Thursday, October 15, 2015

Club Forum

Someone reported that there is a problem with the forum, so I've been looking into it.

It appears that the people that host the forum have had some sort of catastrophic failure, although I can't actually find anything that tells me what exactly it was.

The forums themselves are backed up, so nothing prior to the incident should be lost although if it has been possible to post anything "during" the incident - if the board has reappeared briefly - then that might be at risk.

These people run paid-for forums, as well as free ones like ours (paid for from advertisments that appear on it) so they know what they are doing, but the free forums are at the back of the queue for being fixed!

I don't know the exact details of server repair, but if you have ever defragmented a hard disk you know that it can take hours and the same principle applies here - but for servers with multiple hard disks and loads and loads of data!

I'm not sure exactly how long things have been off-line, but it seems to have been over 24 hours already and the tech staff are hopeful that things will be repaired and running again soonish...

How many members are on facebook? I've been wondering if there is any value in creating a private facebook group for members. What does anyone think?



  1. I do not and will not subscribe to Face Book or Twitter. I feel that they are too intrusive and are creating too many problems in society. I know I am old fashioned but it's just another tool that not only social media keep tabs on you but so do the police, government and other authorities!

  2. Hi Lisa, I have access to our FB profile, creating a restricted members group would be a good.

  3. Hi Lisa I use Facebook
