Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Simply Red - Epsom racecourse - Thursday 1 July
Jan and I are going to go tomorrow night, probably eating at home first before walking up there for 20:30. The band comes on after the last race at 21:00. The weather forecast is dry and hot at 28 degrees in the afternoon dropping to 19 degrees at dusk.
Extract from their website:
Admission to The Stands will give access to facilities in both the Queen's Stand and the Duchess's Stand. The stage where Simply Red will perform after racing will be beside the Duchess’s Stand. Please be aware there is no seating in front of or facing the stage but there is plenty of standing room
Advance Price £30
On the Day Price £33
Groups of 12 plus can claim a discount when booked in advance
Group 12+ price £26.40
As you can only book up to a maximum of 30 tickets online please tel 0844 5793004 for any larger order
Children aged 2 yrs or under are free of charge
Children aged 3 to 9 yrs price £5
Children added 10 to 17 yrs price £15
All children must be accompanied, maximum 2 children per paying adult
Dress Code: Smart Casual - Smart shorts, smart jeans and trainers are accepted, but no sleeveless vests or bare tops.
Monday, June 28, 2010
ECCA 100
I went up to Cambridge yesterday for a 100 mile TT. Crazy early start with the first starters off at 05:00. (I was 05:21). I set off very early and got there in plenty of time, sadly the postcode of the hq was wrong on the sheet, so I ended up with a mad rush and, after dropping a bottle on the course (to pick up half way) I reached the start with seconds to spare.
My plan was to take it steady, aiming for each 25 in 1:05, and to test nutrition for ironman in 3 weeks. Course was a smooth, fast 2 lapper, although the many people towing caravans were a real menace - not giving us any room. There were lots of signs and marshalls, although I still managed to go off course twice, which, combined with a loo break and stopping to refil my aero drinks bottle, cost me 3 mins.
Annoyingly I couldn't measure my progress as there were no signs for 25 miles or 50 miles :-( However, I came in almost exactly on target at 4:20:??
Felt better than previous efforts and was comfortable to 80+ miles. Probably should have pushed a bit more towards the end (to get sub 4:20), but I was too busy cursing about my 2nd mistake only a few miles from the end which cost me precious seconds :-)
Seriously weird to have driven to Cambridge, and done a 100 mile TT, all before 9:45 am!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
SCCU 50 - club event result
Southern Counties CC 50 Mile Inter Club (ESRC) Time Trial
Sunday 27th June 2010
No Name Time Hcp Hcp/Time Points Award
21 John Beer 2:10:04 Scr 2:10:04 6 / 6
32 Jake Dodd 2:18:31 10 2:08:31 3 / 7 1st Hcp (Vet's Record)
19 Simon Trehearn 2:31:18 6 2:25:18 5 / 4 pb
17 Alex Kew 2:32:24 5 2:27:24 4 / 3 pb
4 Grant Pyke 2:46:48 27 2:19:48 3 / 5 Holder of Shield
Alex went off course, about 5 miles extra
It got overlooked that Grant was riding his trike, so he was handicapped to ride solo!
Frank Cubis
Saturday, June 26, 2010
A Few Days in the Pyrenees

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Woking Tour Series piccies
Eve 10 #5 - Championship - result
WEDNESDAY 23rd June 2010 G10/42
20 Stuart Pearce 22-36 Scr 22-36 7 / 2
17 Ben Pearce 23-36 1-15 22-21 6 / 2
11 John Beer 25-04 3-00 22-04 +4:30 5 / 2
10 Andrew Ridsdale 25-15 Epsom CC
8 Simon Mitchell 25-38 3-30 22-08 +1:04 4 / 2
14 Andrew Phillips 25-52 2-45 23-07 3 / 2
15 Alex Kew 25-58 4-45 21-13 2 / 5
12 Steve Hillier 25-59 5-15 20-44 +2:00 2 / 6
42 Phil Todd 26-28 PTT
5 Richard Addis 26-38 4-15 22-23 2 / 2
18 Brian Powney 27-32 4-45 22-47 -0:38 2 / 2
6 Nick Hostler 27-45 6-00 21-45 2 / 3
9 Jake Dodd 27-56 5-15 22-41 +0:56 6 / 2
19 Ray Dare 28-10 6-30 21-40 +7:36 2 / 4
16 Lynda Gale 29-40 7-30 22-10 5 / 2
1 Jen Mitchell 30-35 PTT
41 Reece Frances 30-41 PTT
3 Mark McNamara 31-30 11-00 20-30 +1:16 2 / 7
7 Amanda Pearce 32-01 9-45 22-16 4 / 2
2 Grant Pyke 32-21 7-15 25-06 +3:42 2 / 2 Trike
4 Lisa Colombo 34-33 12-15 22-18 -6:47 3 / 2
13 David Croggon DNS 7-45
Toni D’Italia DNS
Fastest Man Stuart Pearce 22-36 Championship Medal
Fastest Woman Jake Dodd 27-56 Championship Medal
Fastest Vet O.A.S. Ray Dare +7:36 Championship Medal
Fastest on Handicap Mark McNamara 31-30 (20-30) Championship Medal
Kingston Wheelers
38 Phil Ember 22-15
39 Steve Irwin 22-23
35 Luke Wallis 23-26
22 James Peet 23-28
37 Jim Ley 23-35
40 Martin O'Sullivan 23-48
36 Keith Griffin 24-42
33 Jamie Wasley 25-00
24 Naz Parelta 25-25
28 Danny Clifford 25-32
29 David O’Donovan 25-48
31 Dom Trevett 25-48 With a slightly late start!
34 Wes Swaffer 26-24
30 Stephania Magri 26-36
27 Nick Hamilton 26-41
32 Dan Coulcher 26-58
26 Christine Hamilton 27-38
23 Nick Henthorn 29-16
21 James Kelly 30-05
Frank Cubis
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
More Kingston-Worthing
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
This sundays training ride
Eve 10 #5 - Championship - start
2 Grant Pyke 7-15 33-02 19-41
3 Mark McNamara 11-00 32-46 19-41-30
4 Lisa Colombo 12-15 27-46 19-42
5 Richard Addis 4-15 19-42-30
6 Nick Hostler 6-00 19-43
7 Amanda Pearce 9-45 19-43-30
8 Simon Mitchell 3-30 26-42 19-44
9 Jake Dodd 5-15 28-52 19-44-30
10 Toni D’Italia 8-00 32-15 19-45
11 John Beer 3-00 29-34 19-45-30
12 Steve Hillier 5-15 27-59 19-46
13 David Croggon 7-45 27-33 19-46-30
14 Andrew Phillips 2-45 19-47
15 Alex Kew 4-45 19-47-30
16 Lynda Gale 7-30 19-48
17 Ben Pearce 1-15 19-48-30
18 Brian Powney 4-45 26-54 19-49
19 Ray Dare 6-30 35-46 19-49-30
20 Stuart Pearce Scr 19-50
(This is the only event were age is an asset)
Fastest Man Championship Medal
Fastest Woman Championship Medal
Fastest Vet O.A.S. Championship Medal
First on Handicap Championship Medal
Frank Cubis
Sunday, June 20, 2010
K2W piccies
Kingston - Worthing Result
Sunday 20th June 2010
37 George Brent 1-44-05 Addiscombe CC Event Record
33 Stuart Pearce PB 1-48-18 Scr 1-48-18 7 / 3 1st Place Club Record
39 Gary Dodd 1-48-24 Sigma Sport
19 Paul Hone 1-51-32 Addiscombe CC
29 Jim Ley 1-52-04 Kingston Wheelers
35 Ben Pearce 1-53-39 6 1-47-39 6 / 5
23 Dominic Trevett 1-57-02 Kingston Wheelers PB
25 Simon Mitchell 2-01-20 14 1-47-20 5 / 7 1st Hcp
21 Daniel Arthur 2-03-32 Epsom CC
18 Steve Hillier 2-04-46 17 1-47-46 2 / 2 PB
31 John Beer 2-05-05 10 1-55-05 4 / 2
17 Brian Powney 2-05-45 15 1-50-45 3 / 2
15 Martin Anscombe 2-06-23 Kingston Wheelers
1 Ali Cigari 2-07-45 Kingston Wheelers
9 Jake Dodd 2-10-12 22 1-48-12 3 / 4
13 Richard Addis 2-12-08 16 1-56-08 2 / 2
5 Nick Hostler 2-14-34 27 1-47-34 2 / 6 2nd Hcp PB
3 Grant Pyke 2-25-18 34 1-51-18 2 / 2
7 Mike Wakely 2-36-40 Redmon CC
27 Dave Brentnall DNS
Steve was a late start but I didn’t add his lateness onto his time but demoted him in the points championship.
Acknowledgments - Special Thanks to:
David M. for marshalling at Upper Brighton Road, Surbiton.
Iain M. for marshalling at Malden Rushett lights.
Ron & Doreen for timing at 12.5 miles and the top of Washington Hill.
Tony & Ann Bensberg for timing at 25 miles.
Well done to Stuart, winner of the Derek Mason Memorial Trophy (Kingston – Worthing). For the second year running.
Link to spreadsheet of Kingston-Worthing results:
Full results for all but three of the 51 events! And if anyone can fill in the gaps...
Friday, June 18, 2010
SCCU 50 - list of accepted riders
Richard Allan South Western RC
John Allen Redmon CC
Jon Archdeacon De Laune CC
Sarah Archdeacon De Laune CC
Daniel Arthur Epsom CC
Ian Bashford Old Portlians CC
John Beer Kingston Phoenix RC
Mark Bernhardt Worthing Excelsior CC
Edward Boorman East Grinstead CC
Elisabeth Brama Brighton Phoenix AC & Tri
Iain Brogden Eastbourne Rovers CC
Rupert Burbidge Redhill CC
Nigel Burnett Team Raw Energy
Keith Carter Horsham Cycling
Geoff Clifton Redhill CC
Keith Coffey Bec CC
Mark Davis A2 Triathlon Club
Mick Deen Redmon CC
Jo Dipple Redhill CC
Jackie Dodd Kingston Phoenix RC
Kevin Doe Worthing Excelsior CC
Robert Downham Worthing Excelsior CC
David Eccles Redmon CC
Ade Fadero Sussex Nomads CC
Ben Fielden a3crg
Adam Ford Eastbourne Rovers CC
John Froud Festival RC
Natasha Fuller Lewes Wanderers CC
Nathan Gale Worthing Excelsior CC
Richard Gill Epsom CC
Tony Goodsell Amphibians 2 Tri Club
AndrewJ Green Old Portlians CC
AndrewR Green Addiscombe CC
David Haggart De Laune CC
Carolyn Heeps Norwood Paragon CC
Nigel Herron Brighton Phoenix AC & Tri
David Hickman Old Portlians CC
Brian Hill Epsom CC
Paul Hone Addiscombe CC
Peter Horsfield Redmon CC
Stuart Hourigan 34 Nomads CC
James Hughes Bec CC
Edward Hyde South Eastern RC
Stuart Jago Worthing Excelsior CC
Ron Keeble 34 Nomads CC
Shaun Kennedy Bec CC
Alex Kew Kingston Phoenix RC
Nigel Langridge Crawley Wheelers
Joan Lennon Worthing Excelsior CC
Bob Loader Sydenham Wheelers
Liz Lumber Eastbourne Rovers CC
John Marinko Brighton Phoenix AC & Tri
Colin McDermott Festival RC
Stuart Medhurst Eastbourne Rovers CC
Brian Molloy 34 Nomads CC
Peter Moon Eastbourne Rovers CC
Stephen Morgan Tooting BC
Tony Murphy Eastbourne Rovers CC
Barry Newman Old Portlians CC
Mark Newton Bec CC
Stuart Nisbett Crawley Wheelers
Don Parker Brighton Mitre CC
Richard Payn 34 Nomads CC
Deborah Percival 34 Nomads CC
John Percival 34 Nomads CC
Ray Powell Amphibians 2 Tri Club
Grant Pyke Kingston Phoenix RC
Nigel Richardson London Dynamo
Mel Roberton Worthing Excelsior CC
Rupert Robinson Crawley Wheelers
Peter Rowe Southborough & Dist Whlrs
Robert Royle-Evatt Addiscombe CC
Elaine Scott Brighton Excelsior CC
Neil Stanley Sydenham Wheelers
Johan Stegers Lewes Wanderers CC
Andrew Stobbart Eastbourne Rovers CC
James Stuart Norwood Paragon CC
George Thomas Crawley Wheelers
Jonathan Thomas South Western RC
Richard Traynor East Grinstead Tri Club
Simon Trehearn Kingston Phoenix RC
Bryn Tully Anerley BC
Richard Tully Anerley BC
Lee Turner Sigma Sport
Michael Valks Sussex Nomads CC
Paul Valks Sussex Nomads CC
Richard Varian Epsom CC
Kingston - Worthing start sheet
SUNDAY 20th June 2010
Start Sheet
1 Ali Cigari Kingston Wheelers 06-01
3 Grant Pyke 34-00 06-03
5 Nick Hostler 27-00 06-05
7 Mike Wakely Redmon CC 06-07
9 Jake Dodd 22-00 06-09
11 Steve Hillier 17-00 06-11
13 Richard Addis 16-00 06-13
15 Martin Anscombe Kingston Wheelers 06-15
17 Brian Powney 15-00 06-17
19 Paul Hone Addiscombe CC 06-19
21 Daniel Arthur Epsom CC 06-21
23 Dominic Trevett Kingston Wheelers 06-23
25 Simon Mitchell 14-00 06-25
27 Dave Brentnall 10-00 06-27
29 Jim Ley Kingston Wheelers 06-29
31 John Beer 10-00 06-31
33 Stuart Pearce Scr 06-33
35 Ben Pearce 6-00 06-35
37 George Brent Addiscombe CC 06-37
39 Gary Dodd Sigma Sport RT 06-39
Club Members Awards
1st Fastest to hold the Derek Mason Memorial Trophy
1st & 2nd Handicap
Please take 5 minutes to read all the information, it’s a long way not to get a time.
Any items ie clothing, bags etc can be left in my car at the start, but must be collected after crossing the finish line.
APPROX 45.4 MILES Event Record 1-45-20 Gary Dodd
START in Kingston just north of A307 in High Street. South of Apple Market just before police station on crown of small river bridge.
CONTINUE south over small roundabout (care) onto A307 Esher bound.
In 1 mile turn left at traffic lights into Brighton Road, Surbiton A243.
CONTINUE on A243 across A3 (Ace of Spades) through Hook, Chessington towards Leatherhead, bear left using Leatherhead By-Pass still on A243, under M25 to 2nd Roundabout straight on, but now on A24.
KEEP ON A24 to the FINISH. ( ****** Except Farthings Hill, Broadbridge Heath) Aprox 27 miles.
USING all by-passes, Mickleham, Dorking, Capel, Horsham, Southwater & Ashington By-Passes. Up Washington Hill to Findon, and Offington Corner Rbt. junction with A27 CEMETARY on the RIGHT.
AT this point you are 500 YDS from the finish. At this roundabout BARE LEFT A24/A27 do not go straight on the West Worthing.
Finish at 30mph sign by Hillside Avenue, Worthing.
There are a number of traffic lights on the course. Be very, very, careful.
The Finish HQ, continue to next rbt, (with traffic lights), were 1st exit into Hill Barn Road, (NOT THE SECOND EXIT A27) there is a car park approx ½ mile along on the right. Or continue to MACARI,S
****** London South regulation (for safety reasons). You must use the slip road up to Farthings Hill roundabout and continue down the slip road, to rejoin the A24 again, if you fail to do this you must be disqualified.
Times taken at 12mls Box Hill, 25mls just after Kingsfold and the top of Washington Hill.
Breakfast is booked as usual at MACARI’S 24-25 Marine Parade. A few yards east of Worthing pier.
If riding with a Mobile phone it might be wise to pre enter my number.
Frank Cubis
Jake D
John B
Grant P
Simon Trehearn (very new member!)
Alex Kew (new member - now 1st claim)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Gary Dodd on TV
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Interclub 25 - result
SUNDAY 13th JUNE 2010
G25/53 (Broadbridge Heath)
No NAME TIME CLUB Hcp Hcp Time Points Award
18 Paul Read 57-27 Redhill CC
15 Mick Deen 57-57 Redmon CC
16 Warren Higgins 1-00-46 Redmon CC
12 Simon Tonge 1-02-01 Redmon CC
10 Richard Vaudin 1-02-21 Redmon CC
19 Keith Penwarden 1-06-14 Redmon CC
8 David Eccles 1-06-30 Redmon CC
13 Eric Palmer 1-06-39 Redmon CC
6 Roger Griffiths 1-08-25 Redmon CC
11 Jake Dodd 1-09-29 KPRC 8-00 1-01-29 3 / 5
9 Brian Powney 1-10-05 KPRC 5-00 1-05-05 6 / 2
7 Bob Townley 1-10-31 KPRC 9-00 1-01-31 5 / 4
4 Nick Hostler 1-12-33 KPRC 13-00 59-33 4 / 6 1st Hcp
5 Mike Wakely 1-12-33 Redmon CC
3 Doug Conroy 1-16-28 Redmon CC
1 Richard Hoskin 1-24-18 Redmon CC
2 Mark McNamara 1-25-00 KPRC 22-00 1-03-00 3 / 3
14 Ben Pearce DNS KPRC
17 Alex Kew DNS KPRC
6 First Claim Riders to count for Team
Redmon C.C. 6hrs 15min 49sec
Kingston Phoenix Road Club Only 5 started and finished. 6hrs 7min 38sec ( It was tight again.)
Frank Cubis
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Kingston to Worthing course/event details
Sunday 20th June
START in Kingston just north of A307 in High Street. South of Apple Market just before police station on crown of small river bridge.
CONTINUE south over small roundabout (care) onto A307 Esher bound.
In 1 mile turn left at traffic lights into Brighton Road, Surbiton A243.
CONTINUE on A243 across A3 (Ace of Spades) through Hook, Chessington towards Leatherhead, bear left using Leatherhead By-Pass still on A243, under M25 to 2nd Roundabout straight on, but now on A24.
KEEP ON A24 to the FINISH. ( ****** Except Farthings Hill, Broadbridge Heath)
USING all by-passes, Mickleham, Dorking, Capel, Horsham, Southwater & Ashington By-Passes. Up Washington Hill to Findon, and Offington Corner Rbt. junction with A27 CEMETARY on the RIGHT.
AT this point you are 500 YDS from the finish. At this roundabout BARE LEFT A24/A27 do not go straight on the West Worthing.
Finish at 30mph sign by Hillside Avenue, Worthing.
There are a number of traffic lights on the course. Be very, very, careful.
The Finish HQ, continue to next rbt, (with traffic lights), were 1st exit into Hill Barn Road, (NOT THE SECOND EXIT A27) there is a car park approx ½ mile along on the right.
****** London South regulation (for safety reasons). You must use the slip road up to Farthings Hill roundabout and continue down the slip road, to rejoin the A24 again, if you fail to do this you must be disqualified.
Times taken at 12mls Box Hill, 25mls just after Kingsfold and the top of Washington Hill.
Breakfast is booked as usual at MACARI’S 24-25 Marine Parade. A few yards east of Worthing pier.
Frank Cubis
Kingston to Worthing
Interclub 25 - start
SUNDAY 13th JUNE 2010
1 Richard Hoskin 07-31
2 Mark McNamara 22-00 07-32
3 Doug Conroy 07-33
4 Nick Hostler 13-00 07-34
5 Mike Wakely 07-35
6 R Griffiths 07-36
7 Bob Townley 9-00 07-37
8 David Eccles 07-38
9 Brian Powney 5-00 07-39
10 R Vaudin 07-40
11 Jake Dodd 8-00 07-41
12 S Tonge 07-42
13 Eric Palmer 07-43
14 Ben Pearce Scr 07-44
15 Mick Deen 07-45
16 W Higgins 07-46
17 Alex Kew 4-00 07-47
KPRC Awards 1st Hcp
NOT EASY (Follow event sign’s, if no sign go straight on). Start on A24 northbound at Robin Hood Rbt proceed to Great Daux rbt were right onto A264 across 3 rbts, at the 4th rbt go straight on, but now on A2220 to U turn at 2nd rbt Broadfield and retrace to A264 were LEFT up to Tollgate Hill Rbt were U turn. Then return to Great Daux were left onto A24 southbound, up slip road to Farthings Hill rbt. Straight on down slip road to rejoin A24 to U turn at 2nd rbt South Water South and return Northbound on A24 to finish on slip road to Broadbridge Heath.
Headquarters : Broadbridge Heath Village Hall. Wickhurst Lane. RH12 3LY
Allow 15 minutes to get to the start.
Use Redmon numbers but our signing on sheet will be at H.Q.
Frank Cubis
Friday, June 11, 2010
Eve 10 #4 - 2Up TTT - Result
No NAMES TIME AWARDKingston Wheelers
19/20 Stuart Pearce / Ben Pearce 21-34 1st Team
15/16 John Beer / Steve Hillier 24-37
7/8 Richard Addis / Andrew Philips 24-42
17/18 Bob Smith / Martin Elswood 24-52 PTT
11/12 Simon Mitchell / Nick Hostler 25-16
13/14 Jake Dodd / Dave Brentnall 25-30 Nearest Ave Time
37 Phil Todd (PTT) 25-58
21/22 Caroline Harrison / Andrew Adams 28-04 PTT
24 Mark Gladwyn 28-09
23/54 Rachel Watkins / David Croggon 28-31 PTT
5/6 Amanda Pearce / Brian Powney 28-40
9/10 Grant Pyke / Mark McNamara 30-46
Av of 7 KPRC qualifying teams: 25:52
42/43 Jim Ley / Steve Irwin 21-17
44/45 Phil Ember / Ben Elliott 21-32
26 Dan Sibbick 21-46
25 Luke Wallis 22-55
34/35 Jonathan Trollope / Dave Ladkin 23-06
40/41 Keith Griffin / James Wasley 23-47
27 Alan Sherman 24-08
38/39 Chris Hathaway / Ed Robinson 24-20
1/2/3/4 Lise Sorensen/Leona Kadir/Maryka Sennema/Emily Bagnall 24-34
32/33 Cathy Clifford / Danny Clifford 25-28
28/29 Richard Williamson / Naz Peralta 25-43
30/31 Martin Anscombe / Nick Hussey 26-14
36 Martin O’Sullivan 27-44
Many congratulations to all for riding either Solo, 2up or 4up Safely
Frank Cubis
Monday, June 07, 2010
Eve 10 #4 - Start
1/2/3/4 Kingston Wheelers Women’s 4up TTT 19-41
5/6 Amanda Pearce / Brian Powney 19-42
7/8 Richard Addis / Andrew Philips 19-43
9/10 Grant Pyke / Mark McNamara 19-44
11/12 Simon Mitchell / Nick Hostler 19-45
13/14 Jake Dodd / Dave Brentnall 19-46
15/16 John Beer / Steve Hillier 19-47
17/18 Bob Smith (PTT) / Martin Elswood 19-48
19/20 Stuart Pearce / Ben Pearce 19-49
21/22 Caroline Harrison / Andrew Adams 19-50
23 David Croggon 19-51
24 Mark Gladwyn / maybe Margaret on tandem 19-52
Awards: Phoenix member teams only.
1st Fastest Team
Team nearest to average time of 7 teams.
Frank Cubis
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Sunday training rides
Next week is the interclub and Nick and I riding that , so Dave will take the ride to Henfold lakes to meet us all after the race and have a chat.
The week after is the Kingston to Worthing! Dave , Nick , Steve , John , Paul and I riding that.
Luke is fit enough to ride K to W! so how about it? Dave will be leading a group home afterwards or you can arrange a lift with one of the many people driving down to watch. Gary Dodd riding too.
Or the Cheam and Morden ride goes to Beare Green , Slinfold , Brockham , meeting 9am North Cheam cross roads.
10th July is Phoenix BBQ. 6pm onwards. All welcome , bring food and drink to share. Jake and Garys garden.
Lisa is running the Southern Counties 50 and needs 2 helpers on the day , early in the morning so still time to do stuff at home after! sun 27th June. Anyone who has not volunteered to marshall a SCCU in the last 2 years please step forward as all members should share out these duties and not leave it to the same mugs every time!!
Also needed are 2 marshalls for 100 and 25 later in the year.