Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Other Cycling Kit
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Saturday, November 26, 2005
CTT Handbook 2006

Also, talking of Champions Night. Ann and Ray have medals to collect following their rides in this year's National Championship 100, does anyone want to go and keep them company. Let Andy know VERY soon if you are interested. Information is well hidden on the CTT website, look under "News" and then some...... Lisa
I think the easiest thing will be to keep the handbook list here, so:
TonyT, Joe, Lisa, Pete, Si & Jen, Florence, Frank C, Ron - 8 so far
Books going spare....

In the meantime:
Tony says:
"I have 3 paperback books brought as a bundle that I was about to throw out, however, if anybody is interested let me know and you can have them:
Lance Armstrong ‘It’s not about the bike’
I expect most people have read this one already, confirms everything you know about him already – Great athlete, not much of a of a personFlying Scotsman ‘The Graeme Obree Story’
Great read, if you think you have had crap season, this is for you, puts my punctures into perspective
Willy Voet ‘Breaking the Chain’ Drugs and Cycling the true story
I had this book for ages and could not be bothered with it, then I picked it up and could not put down. Fortunately Richard Virenque has retired otherwise I could not watch him ride without laughing
If you are interested in any of them or all of them let me know together with your address and I will post them to you."
I'm not going to post Tony's email address, as I'm being deluged with enough spam due to email addresses being available on the website. Anyone want to email Tony, let me know and I will send you his address. Club members and persons known to me personally only.
Winter Warmer's

Jakes Winter Warmers starting at Horton Country Park at 10am every Saturday are attracting a group of around a dozen riders on a regular basis. A coffee stop at Wisley Lake open café seems to be a good formula as the slower group takes a shorter route and the off road riders can enter via the woods and the telegraph tower
Friday, November 25, 2005
South London Roller League

Simon Mitchell continued his South London Roller League campaign with a fine effort at the South Eastern RC club room on Thursday 24th November, completing his fifth win in the six round series, gaining maximum points so far, in doing so he established a new 500m Vets record for the SERC venue with a time of 21.58 beating the previous time by Paul Tunnell Addiscombe CC of 22.67 set up in 2003.
The final night is at the Addiscombe club room on Wednesday 30th November.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Ann Bath
25= 1.09.36
50= 2.28.10
Average Plus 1.994
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Clubroom Info: December
Also, on the evening of Thursday December 8th Tony Costick of the Hounslow will be visiting the Clubroom to speak to the Clarencourt. He will be giving a presentation about a trip he is putting together to the Pyrenees at Tour de France time next year. Cycling and camping - it went very well this year apparently.
If anyone is interested in this then they are also welcome to attend.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Result: Ballbuster Duathlon
232nd Ann Bath Total time: 3:46:24
1st Run 8km - 1:02:20
Bike leg 24km - 1:34:54
2nd Run 8km - 1:09:10
From the result, it looks as if Ann was the only one of ours to take part.
Full result here:
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Pearsons Womens Team
Friday, November 11, 2005
2005 AGM Notification
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Provisional Calendar 2006
Open events listed in bold - as usual these need to be entered as any other open event and will qualify as a club event if five members enter and none are excluded because of a full field.
The "Club" events are as applied for and not yet confirmed, although major changes are unlikely.
No | Date | Event | Dist | Course |
(1) | Sun 19 Mar | Medium Gear | 25 | G25/47 |
Sat 25 Mar | SCCU Sporting | 10 | G10/43 | |
Sun 26 Mar | SCCU Sporting | 25 | G25/48 | |
Sat 29 Apr | KPRC Open | 10 | G10/42 | |
(2) | Wed 3 May | Eve 10 #1 | 10 | G10/42 |
Sun 14 May | Norwood Paragon | 25 | G25/53 | |
(3) | Wed 17 May | Eve 10 #2 | 10 | G10/42 |
Sat 20 May | SCCU | 10 | G10/57 | |
(4) | Sun 21 May | I/C 10 | 10 | G10/42 |
(5) | Wed 31 May | Eve 10 #3 | 10 | G10/42 |
(6) | Sun 11 June | I/C 25 | 25 | G25/53 |
(7) | Wed 14 June | Even #4: 2 up TTT | 10 | G10/42 |
(8) | Sun 25 June | Kingston – Worthing | 46 | GS/476 |
(9) | Wed 28 June | Eve 10 #5: Club Champ | 10 | G10/42 |
Sat 1 Jul | KPRC Open | 15 | G15/42 | |
Sun 2 Jul | SCCU | 50 | G50/53 | |
(10) | Wed 12 Jul | Eve 10 #6 | 10 | G10/42 |
Sun 16 Jul | Bec CC | 25 | G25/53 | |
Sun 23 Jul | SCCU | 100 | G100/59 | |
(11) | Wed 26 Jul | Eve 10 #7 | 10 | G10/42 |
(12) | Wed 9 Aug | Eve 10 #8 | 10 | G10/42 |
Sun 13 Aug | Anerley BC | 50 | G50/53 | |
Sun 20 Aug | ECCA | 12hr | E2/12h | |
(13) | Sun 3 Sep | Hilly 12/HC | 12 | GS/281 |
Sun 10 Sep | SCCU | 25 | G25/53 | |
(14) | Sun 17 Sep | Consolation | 25 | G25/47 |
Monday, November 07, 2005
Who has signed up?
By the way who is that handsome devil on the main site? ;-D
Our New Kit
Simon plans to submit the real order soon - the initial batch was just to see how it all came out. Sadly the supplier did not get everything right, as we feared, and have left their own logo in opposition to the Phoenix badge on the front of the tops - as well as moving it to the base of the centre pocket at the back. Contact Simon if you want to see any of the initial batch in the flesh, as it were.
Now is the time to make the decision if you want any of the new design for the start of the 2006 racing season.
Sunday, November 06, 2005
In The Beginning......
Wrong time of year to be starting, I know, but you have to start somewhere, so here goes.......