Friday, July 30, 2010
Definition of a Minuet
"Stately dance, music for it" - To be performed by your "Minute Man" while waiting for you to start!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Bike Stickers
Recently Jake was showing me her...wait for stickers!!!, the ones that read "Dodd" with a union jack flag. A few months earlier Grant showed us his handpainted club logo on the front of his Boardman. So this got me thinking that there might be others who would like to put a name and logo on their bike. After a trawl through some forums and a browse on the web I have found a US based supplier. I emailed our logo and Holly has responded to my email and sent me some samples...and here they are:

Holly wrote "I mocked up the logo sticker at 35mm, because I think that size will work fine on bike frames, and the larger we can make the logo, the better it will print. I did simplify the logo slightly to make it print better. At 35 mm, you’d get about 300 stickers for $75. Shipping would be $7, for United States Postal Service First Class mail, which takes 10-14 days for delivery." Now I am not planning to use 300 stickers ! So do I have some interested parties? I will create a new forum discussion about this as it is easier to read and share our views. It will also be a good opportunity for more of you to sign up as forum members.

Holly wrote "I mocked up the logo sticker at 35mm, because I think that size will work fine on bike frames, and the larger we can make the logo, the better it will print. I did simplify the logo slightly to make it print better. At 35 mm, you’d get about 300 stickers for $75. Shipping would be $7, for United States Postal Service First Class mail, which takes 10-14 days for delivery." Now I am not planning to use 300 stickers ! So do I have some interested parties? I will create a new forum discussion about this as it is easier to read and share our views. It will also be a good opportunity for more of you to sign up as forum members.
Back to the stickers....Holly has also sent me samples of name stickers to which she wrote "I am attaching a proof of two versions of name stickers, A and B. Each name would have 5 of the black background and 5 of the white. Just let me know if you like A or B better. We certainly can do a team order of name stickers for you, using your logo. I would recommend doing a 10-pack per rider with 5 stickers with a black background and 5 with a white background. The cost is $17.95 per name, but we are happy to give a 20% discount for a bulk order (or more of a discount if you have many names)."
So there you are - personalise your bike with some quality stickers.
If you want to see what else the supplier can offer they can be found here:
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tonight on TV - BBC4 22:30
Belleville Rendezvous
A wonderfully astute take on the world of cycling - with lots of in-jokes and nods to past popular culture. If you know your cycling world then this is a terrific film - it's a cartoon. The dog is a wonderful caricature as well.
Some of us would swear that it was modelled on someone we know...
A wonderfully astute take on the world of cycling - with lots of in-jokes and nods to past popular culture. If you know your cycling world then this is a terrific film - it's a cartoon. The dog is a wonderful caricature as well.
Some of us would swear that it was modelled on someone we know...
Well worth setting the video for.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Open event time trials
Here is the "who is entering what in 2010" (found on the front page of the club website or use this link

The season is rapidly coming to an end so who is up for entering some open events? If you are entering events please add them to the list at least three weeks in advance so that other riders have time to enter the event.
This Saturday is the Charlotteville 10 mile event on the fast Bentley (near Farnham) course; Jake, John and me have entered - so we have a team!
The season is rapidly coming to an end so who is up for entering some open events? If you are entering events please add them to the list at least three weeks in advance so that other riders have time to enter the event.
This Saturday is the Charlotteville 10 mile event on the fast Bentley (near Farnham) course; Jake, John and me have entered - so we have a team!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Eve 10 #7 - result
Wednesday 21st July 2010 G10/42
Wednesday 21st July 2010 G10/42
20 Ben Pearce 23-41 Scr 23-41 7 / 3 1st Pl
17 John Beer 25-18 1-30 23-48 6 / 2 2nd Pl
14 Bob Smith 25-53 PTT
8 Alex Kew 26-01 2-30 23-31 5 / 4
15 Phil Todd 26-23 PTT
21 Steve Hillier 26-59 2-45 24-14 4 / 2
18 Jake Dodd 27-35 3-30 24-05 5 / 2 1st Woman
16 Ken Day 28-00 5-15 22-45 3 / 7 1st Hcp
13 Ray Dare 28-20 5-30 22-50 2 / 6 2nd Hcp
9 Mark & Margaret 29-15 (Tandem) 2ea
19 Paul Day 29-26 4-45 24-41 2 / 2
12 Simon Trehearn 29-29 4-15 25-14 2 / 2
7 Grant Pyke 29-29 5-45 23-44 2 / 2
6 Nick Hostler 29-37 4-30 25-07 2 / 2
10 Mike Morley 30-06 6-00 24-06 2 / 2
5 Lynda Gale 30-17 PTT
2 Amanda Pearce 30-53 8-00 22-53 4 / 5 3rd Hcp
1 Tony Tugwell 37-37 6-00 31-37 2 / 2
3 Mark McNamara DNS 8-00 0 / 0
4 Lisa Colombo DNS 10-30 Puncture 0 / 0
Richard Addis DNS
Kingston Wheelers
31 Wouter Sybrandy 21-27 Sigma Sport
37 Phil Ember 22-02
36 Steve Irwin 22-10
34 John Coolahan 23-10
35 Jim Ley 23-43
30 Keith Griffin 24-40
29 Alan Sherman 24-48
32 Rupert Bole 25-18
26 Danny Clifford 25-23
33 Chris Hathaway 26-00
24 Cathy Clifford 26-57
25 Stephania Magre 28-58
23 Chris Hinchliffe 29-08
Frank Cubis
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Roth Ironman
Another year, another ironman report !
As most of you know, I returned this weekend to Roth in Bavaria (Germany) for my 2nd Challenge Roth (3rd Ironman) race. The reasons for returning to the same race a 2nd year on, were twofold, - first that it was such an amazing event, and secondly, because I had been disspointed in 2009 to be forced (by nutritional problems/mistakes) to walk a large part of the run - and didn't feel that I had achieved what I could on the course.
Needless to say, I had a few demons out on the course, and was eagerly anticipating our second meeting :-)
The weather, building up to the day, had been stinking hot with temperatures of over 37, but we were lucky both that the canal temp stayed low enough for wetsuits to be allowed, and thunderstorms the day before the race left us with a much more manageable temperature (30 ish on the day).
Bavaria is a stunning location for the race and somewhere we'll be retuning to holiday in the future. On this trip I had my mum & step-dad along for support and happily my wife and inlaws made a suprise last minute trip across meaning that I had a fantastic amount of support all along the course which really was invaluable.
As last year we stayed at the Lindwirt Hotel in Grobweingarten - a fabulous place which I would recommend to anyone going to the area.
Racewise I'll try and make this brief - but this will be tough as it's a long day with so many highs & lows along the 3800m swim, 180k bike & 42.2k marathon !!
Saturday - register, rack, try really hard not to get too hyped up by the incredible atmostphere down at the canal - 3300 bikes, and quite a buzz !
I actually slept well the night before the race which was a huge blessing (this was largely due to having an appalling night's sleep the night before !!) - not a recommended strategy but worked ok in the end.
Sunday - Stuff as much breakfast down as I could manage, and then begin applying two coats of all day sun block. Last few bits together and off we go. Got to the race start a bit late due to traffic, so had to rush around pumping tyres, sorting drinks etc, but I made it to the water's edge, with my wetty and goggles, just in time.
The start is in waves and the pro's were off first at 6am, followed by a reasonable gap and then the sub 9 group (sub 9 hours is an awesome achievement in ironman - at this event it gets you your £300 entry fee back, free entry next year, and a 'unique' finishers t-shirt). My wave was first of the 'normal' age groupers at 6:40. The waves then continued every 5 or 10 mins until 8:30 ish !
I had planned on slow & steady - long smooth strokes for the swim, to keep relaxed with such a long day ahead. In the end, the rocking music, huge pa system, helicopters, hot air balloons and water cannons caused me to be a bit over eager with my start - and I swam the first 100m in the 'dishwasher' (the group at the front tend to fight it out and create a lot of white water aka the dishwasher). I got a hefty punch in the eye for my trouble and that helped remind me about the slow and steady plan. Actually, in the end I was a bit too 'slow and steady' and finished the swim very comfortable (except my eye :-) in 1hr 6min. (2 mins behind last year).
A quick transition in 2 mins ish and out onto the bike.
The bike leg, what can I say - 112 miles is a long way. A really really long way. The course is a rolling 2 lapper with one significant climb and lots of exposed flattish roads through the stunning forests and hop fields. The roads are perfect and the support is insane. Every small town is out having a party with music, pa systems, bands, horns & anything that will make a noise - and miles of tables lining the roads where the locals all sat cheering, eating sausage and drinking beer.
And the Solarberg - wow - a 2 mile climb with 50,000 screaming supporters who appear to fill the road - only parting just wide enough to let you though as you approach. It's deafening, and quite daunting, having people inches from you, cheering, blowing trumpets and patting you on the back as you climb the hill. A really unique experience which 'carries you', grinning, for the next few miles.
I had a target for the bike of 4hrs 52m, which I felt pretty confident at achieving - my test 100 mile TT a few weeks before was done in 4hrs 20m, so that should have been ok. Annoyingly I found myself slipping from this and the course felt tougher than in 09. Many of the exposed long sections had a horrid head wind which got worse as the day went on (good news for the pro's who started early - ugly for the latest starters). In the end I finished in 5:02, 10 mins down on my plan, but a minute up on last year, and massively up on my overall position at this stage in 2009.
[Since returning I've been told that the age group bike splits were down by an average of about 10 mins on 2009, which wasn't a huge deal for me, but for people trying to break the magic 9 hrs, it had a huge impact - with the number of sub 9ers dropping from 70 in 2009 to under 30 this year !! (to put this in perspective there were 80 pros racing, so not even all the pro's went sub 9 hrs) ]
Other than my time being a touch down, the bike section went well without any major incidents. It's a non-drafting race and so you're on your own for most of the time, just trying to keep to the routine of drinking and eating energy gels whilst maintiain a big effort hour after hour. Seeing supporters along the way, and unique bits like the solar, help to break up the course which is as much a mental challenge as it is physical (it's so tempting to easy off for a while !).
Another fast transition (sub 2mins) and I was on to the the marathon. I had a whole bunch of things running though my mind for the run... my knee had been hurting on the bike, would it be a problem for the run? Had I eaten too much (or too little) on the bike - and would I have the same nutrition problems as 2009? Would my new nutrition plan of less gels and more coke work for the run? Would my hamstring problems from the Brighton marathon in April come back to haunt me? Would my lack of long runs (just one 16 miler in the last 3 months) mean that I would fall to bits towards the end?? I was starting a marathon at just before 1 pm, after a pretty tough morning, a lunch break was out of the question, I just had to get on with it.
After my fast bike split, I was up with some very quick guys and they tore out of transition like the wind. Initially I went with them (it's easy to think the day is almost over) but after a first km of 4:10, I gave myself a stern talking to, and eased back to my planned 5min per km. The day was warming up and I kept reminding myself that it's all about the last 10k. 5 mins per km felt very comfortable and the course is mostly flat along the canal and through more superbly turned out towns and villages - it seemed that everyone in Bavaria was out to cheers us and to eat BBQ (which smelt pretty good !)
I passed 10k in 49 mins, having missed the first couple of aid stations and walked thru the rest to ensure I drank a cup of coke and got a few sponges under my hat to keep my cool. The km markers kept coming up nice and often and I kept chugging out the same pace. From 10k to 30k was mostly comfortable, although there were inevitably a few tough bits where your body starts to suggest that this was a bad idea ! I stuck to the strategy of walking the aid stations, drinking the coke, and sponges over my head. Every so often the supporters had hoses which were great to keep us cool. I decided to not have any more gels as the coke seemed to be working and I didn't feel too bad (this is very relative - after 8 hours racing, not too bad is 'different' :-). I found I listened to my body and when I felt good I started to pick the pace up a little, which, when combined with the bad bits, meant I was holding close to my 5 mins per km (I lost 3-4 mins over this 20k, & got to 30k in about 2:33).
I passed my supporters a few times around some dog-legs in the 26-32k area, and when I left them for the last time, I knew I was heading home - and felt pretty solid. It was time to start risking a stronger pace. 10k to go, I dropped a touch under 5 mins per km. 8km... it feels better going faster? maybe I'm using different muscles... push a bit more, maybe 4:50 per km - and I'm passing people like nobody's business... hmmm anyone start a bit too fast :-)
5 km to go and I'm mentally home, really flying now, I'm cheering the crowds and they respond with huge cheers. The streets are lined for at least the last 5km. At around 3 km to go is one last short sharp hill. Dig in, hurts like hell, mum's at the top, barely manage to acknowledge her. A loop of Roth town center - immense support here, and just keep it going. I'm both loving and hating the final 2 kms. I entered the grandstand, cheer the massive crown, kiss the wife (who managed to get a great spot on the front) and under the finish. Stop.
I had been wanting to stop for what seemed like forever. And it feels great. And a very very pleasing result, the best I could have managed on the day. Finished with a 3:29 marathon :-) :-) :-) Overall 9:42. 160th of 3300. 10th Brit
Carried thru for water, massage. Felt pretty nautious for 24 hrs but still managed to enjoyed the treats of Bavaria - beer, beautiful lakeland scenery, meat focussed meals, more beer.
Thanks for all the kind well done messges.
As most of you know, I returned this weekend to Roth in Bavaria (Germany) for my 2nd Challenge Roth (3rd Ironman) race. The reasons for returning to the same race a 2nd year on, were twofold, - first that it was such an amazing event, and secondly, because I had been disspointed in 2009 to be forced (by nutritional problems/mistakes) to walk a large part of the run - and didn't feel that I had achieved what I could on the course.
Needless to say, I had a few demons out on the course, and was eagerly anticipating our second meeting :-)
The weather, building up to the day, had been stinking hot with temperatures of over 37, but we were lucky both that the canal temp stayed low enough for wetsuits to be allowed, and thunderstorms the day before the race left us with a much more manageable temperature (30 ish on the day).
Bavaria is a stunning location for the race and somewhere we'll be retuning to holiday in the future. On this trip I had my mum & step-dad along for support and happily my wife and inlaws made a suprise last minute trip across meaning that I had a fantastic amount of support all along the course which really was invaluable.
As last year we stayed at the Lindwirt Hotel in Grobweingarten - a fabulous place which I would recommend to anyone going to the area.
Racewise I'll try and make this brief - but this will be tough as it's a long day with so many highs & lows along the 3800m swim, 180k bike & 42.2k marathon !!
Saturday - register, rack, try really hard not to get too hyped up by the incredible atmostphere down at the canal - 3300 bikes, and quite a buzz !
I actually slept well the night before the race which was a huge blessing (this was largely due to having an appalling night's sleep the night before !!) - not a recommended strategy but worked ok in the end.
Sunday - Stuff as much breakfast down as I could manage, and then begin applying two coats of all day sun block. Last few bits together and off we go. Got to the race start a bit late due to traffic, so had to rush around pumping tyres, sorting drinks etc, but I made it to the water's edge, with my wetty and goggles, just in time.
The start is in waves and the pro's were off first at 6am, followed by a reasonable gap and then the sub 9 group (sub 9 hours is an awesome achievement in ironman - at this event it gets you your £300 entry fee back, free entry next year, and a 'unique' finishers t-shirt). My wave was first of the 'normal' age groupers at 6:40. The waves then continued every 5 or 10 mins until 8:30 ish !
I had planned on slow & steady - long smooth strokes for the swim, to keep relaxed with such a long day ahead. In the end, the rocking music, huge pa system, helicopters, hot air balloons and water cannons caused me to be a bit over eager with my start - and I swam the first 100m in the 'dishwasher' (the group at the front tend to fight it out and create a lot of white water aka the dishwasher). I got a hefty punch in the eye for my trouble and that helped remind me about the slow and steady plan. Actually, in the end I was a bit too 'slow and steady' and finished the swim very comfortable (except my eye :-) in 1hr 6min. (2 mins behind last year).
A quick transition in 2 mins ish and out onto the bike.
The bike leg, what can I say - 112 miles is a long way. A really really long way. The course is a rolling 2 lapper with one significant climb and lots of exposed flattish roads through the stunning forests and hop fields. The roads are perfect and the support is insane. Every small town is out having a party with music, pa systems, bands, horns & anything that will make a noise - and miles of tables lining the roads where the locals all sat cheering, eating sausage and drinking beer.
And the Solarberg - wow - a 2 mile climb with 50,000 screaming supporters who appear to fill the road - only parting just wide enough to let you though as you approach. It's deafening, and quite daunting, having people inches from you, cheering, blowing trumpets and patting you on the back as you climb the hill. A really unique experience which 'carries you', grinning, for the next few miles.
I had a target for the bike of 4hrs 52m, which I felt pretty confident at achieving - my test 100 mile TT a few weeks before was done in 4hrs 20m, so that should have been ok. Annoyingly I found myself slipping from this and the course felt tougher than in 09. Many of the exposed long sections had a horrid head wind which got worse as the day went on (good news for the pro's who started early - ugly for the latest starters). In the end I finished in 5:02, 10 mins down on my plan, but a minute up on last year, and massively up on my overall position at this stage in 2009.
[Since returning I've been told that the age group bike splits were down by an average of about 10 mins on 2009, which wasn't a huge deal for me, but for people trying to break the magic 9 hrs, it had a huge impact - with the number of sub 9ers dropping from 70 in 2009 to under 30 this year !! (to put this in perspective there were 80 pros racing, so not even all the pro's went sub 9 hrs) ]
Other than my time being a touch down, the bike section went well without any major incidents. It's a non-drafting race and so you're on your own for most of the time, just trying to keep to the routine of drinking and eating energy gels whilst maintiain a big effort hour after hour. Seeing supporters along the way, and unique bits like the solar, help to break up the course which is as much a mental challenge as it is physical (it's so tempting to easy off for a while !).
Another fast transition (sub 2mins) and I was on to the the marathon. I had a whole bunch of things running though my mind for the run... my knee had been hurting on the bike, would it be a problem for the run? Had I eaten too much (or too little) on the bike - and would I have the same nutrition problems as 2009? Would my new nutrition plan of less gels and more coke work for the run? Would my hamstring problems from the Brighton marathon in April come back to haunt me? Would my lack of long runs (just one 16 miler in the last 3 months) mean that I would fall to bits towards the end?? I was starting a marathon at just before 1 pm, after a pretty tough morning, a lunch break was out of the question, I just had to get on with it.
After my fast bike split, I was up with some very quick guys and they tore out of transition like the wind. Initially I went with them (it's easy to think the day is almost over) but after a first km of 4:10, I gave myself a stern talking to, and eased back to my planned 5min per km. The day was warming up and I kept reminding myself that it's all about the last 10k. 5 mins per km felt very comfortable and the course is mostly flat along the canal and through more superbly turned out towns and villages - it seemed that everyone in Bavaria was out to cheers us and to eat BBQ (which smelt pretty good !)
I passed 10k in 49 mins, having missed the first couple of aid stations and walked thru the rest to ensure I drank a cup of coke and got a few sponges under my hat to keep my cool. The km markers kept coming up nice and often and I kept chugging out the same pace. From 10k to 30k was mostly comfortable, although there were inevitably a few tough bits where your body starts to suggest that this was a bad idea ! I stuck to the strategy of walking the aid stations, drinking the coke, and sponges over my head. Every so often the supporters had hoses which were great to keep us cool. I decided to not have any more gels as the coke seemed to be working and I didn't feel too bad (this is very relative - after 8 hours racing, not too bad is 'different' :-). I found I listened to my body and when I felt good I started to pick the pace up a little, which, when combined with the bad bits, meant I was holding close to my 5 mins per km (I lost 3-4 mins over this 20k, & got to 30k in about 2:33).
I passed my supporters a few times around some dog-legs in the 26-32k area, and when I left them for the last time, I knew I was heading home - and felt pretty solid. It was time to start risking a stronger pace. 10k to go, I dropped a touch under 5 mins per km. 8km... it feels better going faster? maybe I'm using different muscles... push a bit more, maybe 4:50 per km - and I'm passing people like nobody's business... hmmm anyone start a bit too fast :-)
5 km to go and I'm mentally home, really flying now, I'm cheering the crowds and they respond with huge cheers. The streets are lined for at least the last 5km. At around 3 km to go is one last short sharp hill. Dig in, hurts like hell, mum's at the top, barely manage to acknowledge her. A loop of Roth town center - immense support here, and just keep it going. I'm both loving and hating the final 2 kms. I entered the grandstand, cheer the massive crown, kiss the wife (who managed to get a great spot on the front) and under the finish. Stop.
I had been wanting to stop for what seemed like forever. And it feels great. And a very very pleasing result, the best I could have managed on the day. Finished with a 3:29 marathon :-) :-) :-) Overall 9:42. 160th of 3300. 10th Brit
Carried thru for water, massage. Felt pretty nautious for 24 hrs but still managed to enjoyed the treats of Bavaria - beer, beautiful lakeland scenery, meat focussed meals, more beer.
Thanks for all the kind well done messges.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Eve 10 #7 - start
Wednesday 21st July 2010
Wednesday 21st July 2010
1 Tony Tugwell 6-00 19-40-30
2 Amanda Pearce 8-00 19-41
3 Mark McNamara 8-00 19-41-30
4 Lisa Colombo 10-30 19-42
5 Richard Addis 2-45 19-42-30
6 Nick Hostler 4-30 19-43
7 Grant Pyke 5-45 19-43-30
8 Alex Kew 2-30 19-44
9 Mark & Margaret 19-44-30
10 Mike Morley 6-00 19-45
11 Martin Elswood PTT 19-45-30
12 Simon Trehearn 4-15 19-46
13 Ray Dare 5-30 19-46-30
14 Bob Smith PTT 19-47
15 Phil Todd (4-00) 19-47-30
16 Ken Day 5-15 19-48
17 John Beer 1-30 19-48-30
18 Jake Dodd 3-30 19-49
19 Paul Day 4-45 19-49-30
20 Ben Pearce Scr 19-50
21 Steve Hillier 2-45 19-50-30
22 Onwards Kingston Wheelers 19-51
1st, 2nd & 3rd Handicap
1st & 2nd Fastest
Fastest Woman
Frank Cubis
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Bec 25 mile TT Sunday 18 July
Three KPRC riders entered the Bec 25 and 3 finished. Jake 1.10.24 Simon Treahearn 1.14.46 and me 1.15.25 (not quite evens). Simon missed the picture at finish as he was off No. 19 and we did not see him. As Lisa said a brilliant ride Simon for your first 25ml TT. To answer Pete's question when did I last ride a 25? - I can't remember! Maybe some 10 years ago either on a MTB or Raleigh touring bike when I rode for Surrey Roads CC. Before that 1963 at the age of 22yrs. Never got under the hour, used to do OO's for 25 and 50's long before trie-bars were introduced and frames were sturdy 531 Reynolds! At the age of 23 having met Barbara I packed in cycling all together for 20 plus years and never got back into racing again until KPRC!
Weekend's results
Not aware of anyone having ridden on Saturday, but four members were in action on Sunday morning: Jake, SimonT and Mike in the Bec 25 at Broadbridge Heath, and John in Richmond Park for the London Dynamo 10.4.
A personal best for Simon, and a good opener in his first 25 - not a bad ride for Mike either, in his first 25 for *cough* years (actually I don't know, but it's a few!) and that elusive plus that he's been after at 10 miles (and finally managed) has come at the first attempt at a 25 in recent years!
And of course Frank was in action both Saturday AND Sunday timekeeping at the Bec 10 on Saturday afternoon and the Bec 25 Sunday morning.
Jake Dodd 1:10:24
Simon Trehearn 1:14:46 pb
Mike Morley 1:15:25
John Beer 28:34
A personal best for Simon, and a good opener in his first 25 - not a bad ride for Mike either, in his first 25 for *cough* years (actually I don't know, but it's a few!) and that elusive plus that he's been after at 10 miles (and finally managed) has come at the first attempt at a 25 in recent years!
And of course Frank was in action both Saturday AND Sunday timekeeping at the Bec 10 on Saturday afternoon and the Bec 25 Sunday morning.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Course problems
O.K., for those who read this blog but who are not on Frank's (extensive) mailing list:
We have been informed by Surrey Police that the water board (or whoever, it doesn't exactly matter) will be digging up the A24 around Mid-Holmwood starting on Wednesday 21st July.
This will affect the G10/42 course where we hold our club 10s.
We are currently in the process of looking at alternatives to enable us to run most or all of the remaining 10's in the club calendar - or defining alternative events as club events. Bearing in mind that there are at least 3 Open events slated to use that course during the remainder of this season and they also will be affected, we have been looking at the possibility of cutting down the 15 mile course G15/42, which goes down the A29 from Beare Green and loops round back to join the A24 before finishing North of Beare Green RAB.
We think a 10 mile course can be found here, which will both start and finish South of Beare Green RAB, and have put this forward to the District for consideration.
The bonus with this plan is that - with the exception of what we actually use as the start - the roads have already been risk assessed and used at the times of our remaining club events due to being part of two existing courses. The finish should not be an issue because - as is the case with the current G10/42 finish - it will be on a clearway that Frank can access by bike and the riders WILL NOT be stopping at the timekeeper, but heading back to their cars.
At this time we are anticipating continuing to use the Inholms Lane car park as the HQ, although some riders who wish to drive as close to the start as possible may wish to park either at the top of Mill Lane, or in the small car park by the Beare Green shops.
The Consolation 25 SHOULD be unaffected because we believe that both the start and finish are located South of where the intended roadworks will be.
Watch this space...
Sunday, July 11, 2010
BBQ at Gary & Jake's
Thanks to our wonderful hosts for the usual annual BBQ. Congrats to Jake for her 10 PB that morning 25.05, what a difference a good bike makes? Not just the bike Jake but the engine driving it, you are flying this year keep it up. As for the 3 mugshots above it was great to see Ray in good form as usual fueled by some blackcurrant rocket fuel and to see Beryl looking so happy along with that every charming and helpful man Ed
As for the gorgeous Lynda (Gail in my book!), I tried to temp her with my strawberry party trick but she was having nothing of it! However it looked as if Brian had got a mouth full anyway!
As for the gorgeous Lynda (Gail in my book!), I tried to temp her with my strawberry party trick but she was having nothing of it! However it looked as if Brian had got a mouth full anyway!
Friday, July 09, 2010
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Surrey League - Brand's Hatch
HotChillee has secured some big names for their Brand's Hatch circuit races at this month's BikeRadar Live.
Welshman Yanto Barker, riding for Pendragon Sports, the highest placed British rider in the Tour de France in 2005, leads the line-up of pro riders. Teams from Endura, Raleigh, Sigma, Synergy and HotChillee will also be in action. HotChillee - - is staging FIVE races at BikeRadar Live to be held Brand's Hatch in Kent on the weekend of July 10th and 11th. Races range from the GoRace for new road racers to the elite races. BikeRadar Live is the UK's ultimate bike festival and is a great day out for the whole family. The event includes cycling demonstrations, big name cyclists and all the latest cycling gear.
The HotChillee rides at BikeRadar Live:
Saturday - July 10th
16:30 - 17:30 - 4ths C+
17:30 - 19:00 - 3rds Regional B
Super Sunday - July 11th
12:00 - 13:00 - GoRace - Open to newcomers (1 hour on the circuit)
12:00 - 13:00 - WOMEN E/1/2/3/4 Regional A
15:00 - 17:00 - E/1/2 National B
The final race will conclude with five laps of The Devil format. The last rider on each of these laps will be eliminated by The Devil and taken off the circuit and out of the race.
The HotChillee circuit races will be the key road racing event of the weekend and will carry British Cycling points. There will be prizes after the event in place of Surrey League points. All rides will be held under the technical regulations of British Cycling. Call 0871 230 1085 or book on line at
For more race information click on
The final race will conclude with five laps of The Devil format. The last rider on each of these laps will be eliminated by The Devil and taken off the circuit and out of the race.
The HotChillee circuit races will be the key road racing event of the weekend and will carry British Cycling points. There will be prizes after the event in place of Surrey League points. All rides will be held under the technical regulations of British Cycling. Call 0871 230 1085 or book on line at
For more race information click on
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Eve 10 #6 - result
Tuesday 6th July 2010 G10/42
Tuesday 6th July 2010 G10/42
18 Stuart Pearce 23-06 Scr 23-06 7 / 2 1st Fastest
15 John Beer 24-50 3-00 21-50 6 / 4 2nd Fastest
9 Simon Mitchell 25-30 3-30 22-00 5 / 2
12 Bob Smith 25-43 PTT
3 Jake Dodd 27-02 5-00 22-02 7 / 2 1st Woman
16 Ray Dare 27-55 6-16 21-39 4 / 5 ARR
19 Nick Hostler 28-29 6-15 22-14 3 / 2
13 Mark/Margaret 29-28 2 /
11 Mike Morley 29-41 8-45 20-56 2 / 7 1st Hcp
4 Grant Pyke 29-44 7-45 21-59 2 / 3
10 Lynda Gale 29-44 7-45 21-59 6 / 3
17 Jen Mitchell 29-48 8-15 21-33 5 / 6 2nd Hcp
8 Mark McNamara 31-21 9-15 22-06 2 / 2
2 Amanda Pearce 31-45 9-45 22-00 4 / 2
5 Lisa Colombo DNF 12-15 1 / 0 puncture
7 Toni D’Italia DNS 7-45
Kingston Wheelers
33 Ben Elliott 21-52
34 Phil Ember 22-17
32 Martin O’Sullivan 23-21
22 Robert Henderson 23-57
30 Jamie Wasley 25-04
26 Danny Clifford 25-05
29 Chris Gilligan 25-10
31 Dominic Trevett 25-26
23 Cathy Clifford 27-06
24 Nick Henthorn 27-52
Frank Cubis
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Cowman Tri
Simon and I completed the Cowman HIM triathlon on Sunday. The conditions started out fine but the wind strengthened a lot during the course of the bike and run. The TT'ing I've been doing with Phoenix has really helped and I felt pretty fresh after the bike leg (2:54 ish) and came home in 5:15. Simon, in his first tri at that distance finished in a very good 5:48, although I think he was glad to have a lift home from his wife!
Hopefully I'll be bimbling over this evening to watch the 10.
Hopefully I'll be bimbling over this evening to watch the 10.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
This sun training ride
Luke, Nic , Dave and Jake out today. 45 miles in the end. Went to Chertsey to watch Gary in LVRC race that he won last year. Saw him 3 times in breakaway of 4. He won it again ! Very windy today , my legs tired after sats timetrial. Stopped at Walton Bridge for egg bacon baps all round paid for by Dave as his 65th birthday today! Home in time to watch Tour.
Eve 10 #6 - start
TUESDAY 6th July 2010
TUESDAY 6th July 2010
2 Amanda Pearce 9-45 19-41
3 Jake Dodd 5-00 19-41-30
4 Grant Pyke 7-45 19-42
5 Lisa Colombo 12-15 19-42-30
6 Phil Todd (4-15) 19-43
7 Toni D’Italia 7-45 19-43-30
8 Mark McNamara 9-15 19-44
9 Simon Mitchell 3-30 19-44-30
10 Lynda Gale 7-45 19-45
11 Mike Morley 8-45 19-45-30
12 Bob Smith PTT 19-46
13 Mark & Margaret 19-46-30
14 Reese Francis (8-15) 19-47
15 John Beer 3-00 19-47-30
16 Ray Dare 6-15 19-48
17 Jen Mitchell 8-15 19-48-30
18 Stuart Pearce Scr 19-49
19 Nick Hostler 6-15 19-49-30
22-on Kingston Wheelers 19-51
Addiscombe CC Start 20-05
Norwood Paragon Start 20-35
1st & 2nd Handicap
1st & 2nd Fastest
Fastest Woman
Frank Cubis
Friday, July 02, 2010
This sun training ride
I will be out this sun as racing on the sat. Dave leading ride. Not sure where we going but not a mega long ride , so back home early. Hope to see a few more out than last week.
Results - the season so far
O.K., so I have finally got on top of most of the results, following my holiday. The info on all the links below should be up-to-date and correct, so if you have done a ride that is missing - especially from the "All Rides" list - please let me know. I think that all the bests have been propogated to "Best Times" list, but if I can't do it all the weekend that it happens it is harder to catch up.
At roughly the halfway mark, all of the points tables are correct, and I now see that Nick is giving Steve a run for his money for the George Crouch Tankard for improvement at 25 miles.
Best Times
All Rides
Handicap Points Table
Mens Club Event Points Table
Womens Club Event Points Table
George Crouch Trophy
10 series Times
What I haven't caught up with yet is checking the Championship Tables, especially the Vets one for which I need to dig out my spreadsheet with dates of birth on it. It would be sooooo much simpler for me to keep them in the online spreadsheet, but then anyone anywhere in the world would have access to the info which is a no-no. What usually happens is that by the time I check it over most of the competitors with mid-season birthdays have had them and posted rides against the higher standard, which does simplify things for me!
Once I have done all that the next task is to update this year's noted Club Records on the records pages and, specially for Steve who asked, it turns out that I did get the "Age Related Records" online. From the Club Records Index click on the "age" column for any distance and it will give you that set of records. Times that are greyed-out are past records erased by a faster ride by an older competitor. I am pretty sure that this lot were up-to-date with the spreadsheet Frank sent out at the AGM, so it's just this year's records that need adding - as is the case with all the records at the moment. Maybe this week...
At roughly the halfway mark, all of the points tables are correct, and I now see that Nick is giving Steve a run for his money for the George Crouch Tankard for improvement at 25 miles.
Best Times
All Rides
Handicap Points Table
Mens Club Event Points Table
Womens Club Event Points Table
George Crouch Trophy
10 series Times
What I haven't caught up with yet is checking the Championship Tables, especially the Vets one for which I need to dig out my spreadsheet with dates of birth on it. It would be sooooo much simpler for me to keep them in the online spreadsheet, but then anyone anywhere in the world would have access to the info which is a no-no. What usually happens is that by the time I check it over most of the competitors with mid-season birthdays have had them and posted rides against the higher standard, which does simplify things for me!
Once I have done all that the next task is to update this year's noted Club Records on the records pages and, specially for Steve who asked, it turns out that I did get the "Age Related Records" online. From the Club Records Index click on the "age" column for any distance and it will give you that set of records. Times that are greyed-out are past records erased by a faster ride by an older competitor. I am pretty sure that this lot were up-to-date with the spreadsheet Frank sent out at the AGM, so it's just this year's records that need adding - as is the case with all the records at the moment. Maybe this week...
Thursday, July 01, 2010
South Downs Way Jen & Si's photos
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