Friday, September 16, 2011

Pete Mitchell

Pete's son-in-law, Gary, just phoned me to say that it appears that Pete died in his sleep Tuesday night.

The next committee meeting is cancelled until further notice.

Not everyone understands about there being comments to read, so I am bringing them up into the post, along with another that has been sent to me:

mike morley said...

To Lisa, Jake, Simon & Jen I am in complete shock to hear about "Pete". My heartfelt condolences to all the family.
God bless you all Mike M.

philip said...

Yes, a real shock, condolences to all. Not known him for long but a kind, gentle man The club has lost a key member

Hello Lisa

Would you please add the following to the KPRC blog.

Just logged into the website to check tomorrow's coffee stop venue and saw the terrible news about Pete. My sincere condolences to all Pete's family and friends. We have lost one of nature's gentlemen - in all senses of the word.

Ken Williams



  1. To Lisa Jake Simon & Jen I am in complete shock to hear about "Pete". My heartfelt condolences to all the family.
    God bless you all Mike M.

  2. Yes, a real shock, condolences to all. Not known him for long but a kind, gentle man The club has lost a key member
