As you can see (Dear Reader), Pete is getting the hang of this posting-to-the-blog lark. I would like everyone to sign up (and you need an invite from me to actually get to post to this blog) so that we can all post things on here for everyone to read. TonyT sent me an advert for some books he wants to get rid of. I hoped he would manage to post it himself, but maybe later.......

In the meantime:
Tony says:
"I have 3 paperback books brought as a bundle that I was about to throw out, however, if anybody is interested let me know and you can have them:Lance Armstrong ‘It’s not about the bike’
I expect most people have read this one already, confirms everything you know about him already – Great athlete, not much of a of a personFlying Scotsman ‘The Graeme Obree Story’Great read, if you think you have had crap season, this is for you, puts my punctures into perspectiveWilly Voet ‘Breaking the Chain’ Drugs and Cycling the true storyI had this book for ages and could not be bothered with it, then I picked it up and could not put down. Fortunately Richard Virenque has retired otherwise I could not watch him ride without laughingIf you are interested in any of them or all of them let me know together with your address and I will post them to you."
I'm not going to post Tony's email address, as I'm being deluged with enough spam due to email addresses being available on the website. Anyone want to email Tony, let me know and I will send you his address. Club members and persons known to me personally only.