Firstly my apologies to all. When I arrived at the the Clubroom I was dismayed to find that the room we usually use, both for the general club-meet and the AGM, was occupied by some other people apparently engaged in a meeting of their own. This was not good as I knew that the Clarencourt were also due to be holding their AGM on the same night, and really they have first dibs on the other room..... There were dark mutterings about usually booking the room to make sure we have it for the AGM, but that's the first I've heard of it in all the time we have been there - otherwise I would have made sure it was booked. (even if I can't find the minutes!!!!!)
As 20:10 approached and the only representative from the Clarencourt present was Barry, we began to think that as we seemed to have a quorum and with no real business to discuss (and no minutes - I'll let you know when I find them!) it ought to be a short meeting. Barry confirmed that their meeting was billed to start at 20:30, so without further ado we convened in the other meeting room and screamed through the meeting.
Hence my apologies for the confusion to those who made it before the meeting finished and for missing it entirely to those who came after we had relinquished the room back to the Clarencourt.
Present: Lisa, Florence, Jen,Joe, Rachel, Ann, Brian, AndyP, Iain, FrankC, FrankP, Mark, Paul, Simon, Jake, Pete, Ray, Ron & Doreen.
Those who attempted to attend but were thwarted by the short meeting: AndyA, Jackie, Chrystal.
Meeting commenced at 20:15
Ron was elected chairman. Prop Doreen, 2nd FrankC
Notice convening the meeting was read.
The minutes of the 2005 meeting not being present matters arising were taken from memory:
Ladies Points Trophy - Ann had said that she would like to present a trophy to the Club for this, Lisa reported that a number of suggestions had been made during the year, but that nothing had yet been sorted. Ann arrived and reported that she has purchased a new trophy and it is due to be delivered imminently - she has asked that it is NOT to be the Ann Bath trophy, but perhaps it can have "presented by Ann Bath" inscribed on it, as is the case with the Consolation Trophy (presented by the Powney Brothers). - What do you think, Ann.
70th Anniversary awards: again I said that I didn't think that anything has been sorted, but I am assured that it is in hand for the 11 qualifiers -
Club Champ
Women's Champ
Men's Champ
Vets Champ
Adoption of Annual reports:
Gen Sec Prop Pete, 2nd FrankP
TT Sec Prop Pete, 2nd FrankP
RR Sec Prop Joe, 2nd Doreen
Accounts Prop Ray, 2nd Pete
Election of officers and committee:
President - Ron Prop Jake, 2nd Pete
Hon Gen Sec - Lisa Prop FrankC, 2nd Iain
Hon TT Sec - FrankC Prop Iain, 2nd FrankP
Hon RR Sec - Simon Prop Lisa, 2nd Ann
Hon Treasurer - Doreen Prop FrankC, 2nd Simon
4 Committee members - AndyA, Jake, Grant, Brian (as before & en block) Prop Ron, 2nd Simon
Press Secretary - Florence Prop Lisa, 2nd FrankC - Florence was thanked for her excellent achievements in getting our name in the press this year, much more than for some years now, and instrumental in recruitment.
2 Auditors - Ray & Jen Prop FrankC, 2nd Simon
To pledge £25 to the Bec toward the prize for beating Gary's Hill Climb Record - CARRIED unanimously.
To incorporate the VTTA 10 mile Championship within our Open 10. Frank is O.K. with the idea, it seems that they will just piggy-back our event, with little extra organisation required. YES
Would the Club take on an RTTC Championship in 2009. MAYBE.
The meeting was not wildly keen, but were not prepared to rule it out as a future possibility, though not necessarily 2009.
Followed by a sealed vote for the Bert George Trophy (services to the club & not just 2006)
And the winner is........
Watch this space, as the winner isn't supposed to know who they are until the dinner!!!! February 24th 2007 - Stoneleigh Inn.
The meeting closed at 20:35 and we vacated the room for the Clarencourt to have their AGM.
At least I can look here for these minutes come next year......