Saturday, June 04, 2016

Frank Cubis - latest

Well, to be honest the "latest" is pretty much no change.

10 days after his accident we are still waiting for Frank to regain consciousness. 

The good news is that they successfully reduced the brain swelling quite quickly but, of course, the bad news is the list of injuries. I don't know how the accident happened or what actually took place, but it seems clear that he was very much "run over". The list includes head (and I believe facial) injuries; serious damage to his left arm & hand; broken ribs; broken pelvis and damage to his kidneys.

In some respects, the longer he remains asleep the better for the healing of his body, but it is always concerning when someone doesn't appear to wake up when they are no longer sedated.

At the moment all we can do is wait, and to hope and pray for him.

But then Frank has always been good at doing things that seem incredible:



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