Saturday, December 22, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Cycle Funding Petition
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Christmas Curry - Where to Go on 21st
Firstly, I am sure you are all aware that the venue is the White Castle curry house in Ewell - based on the Chessington Road, very near to Simon and Jen's.
We have a table booked for 8pm. However, if you want to get the party started just that little bit earlier, Simon and Jen have kindly offered to act as hosts for a pre-meal drink at their house. Their address is on the member's list which were posted to you along with AGM minutes last month.
If you are coming to Simon and Jen's, please don't forget to bring a bit of jungle juice to help everyone wet their whistle.
Really looking forward to seeing everyone there. If you know someone who is going who doesn't read the blog, please also spread the word.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
New Year's Eve Party
Friday, December 07, 2007
American Supper
So that's your opportunity to bring the Christmas leftovers to Club on the day after Boxing Day!
Sustrans' Connect2 campaign

You can now vote by phone and it is extremely easy. Phone 0870 24 24 602. It will cost 10p. Simply dialling this number registers a vote for Connect2. You will hear a voice confirming this fact. Only one vote can be made per phone.
Voting ends midday monday 10th Dec.
If you want more info or to vote on line visit:
Fingers crossed!
Regards Mike Pontin.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sustrans Vote
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wanted: Campag 8speed cassette hub
The freehub has given out on her original wheel and they are urgently looking for the simplest and cheapest replacement alternative - ie not changing everything to 9 speed. And fairly quickly as she's only the one bike!
I don't suppose any Phoenix members have got an old wheel that would be a suitable replacement for Daphne to tour on, but Pearson's have apparently offered to cannibalise a suitable hub.
Anyone got an old 8 speed racing wheel that is unlikely to be used due to upgrading?
Let me know and I will pass the message on, and put you in touch if you can help.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
1st sat of month = GARSONS FARM tea rooms ESHER
2nd sat = Wisley tea hut in woods
3rd sat = Stoke D'Abernon garden centre
4th sat = POLESDEN LACEY near Leatherhead
5th sat if there is one = WEST HORSLEY GARDEN CENTRE
We will be doing these new rides every sat to vary the roads and tracks used.
The mountain bike rides will benefit and be more varied.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Surrey League AGM & Prize Presentation 2007
Come and celebrate with us and all of the 2007 Surrey League competition winners.
The Sheldrake Suite,
Martlets Hall,
Civic Way,
Burgess Hill,
West Sussex,
RH15 9NN
Tuesday November 13th 2007 - 6:30 PM for 7:00 PM
The evening will start with a short informal AGM where all members are welcome to give us their ideas for next season.
Then on to the Prize Presentation, hosted by Keith Butler.
This will be followed by clubs fixing their dates for their events next season.
A free buffet will be available throughout the evening.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Redmon GP de Gentlemen
Good thing the organiser comes out on our Saturday morning rides - getting results from you lot is like getting blood out of a stone. I really would prefer to ride my bike than spend all weekend searching for your results online because you can't be bothered to tell me about another "crap" ride that just happens to have beaten a club record (O.K. probably not in this event!).
Rant, rant, rant......
Results here on the Redmon website.
2007 AGM
2007 Annual General Meeting
All motions for inclusion on the agenda, and any nominations for officers and committee members, must be lodged with the Honorary General Secretary at least 14 days prior to the AGM, no later than 22nd November 2007. All motions shall be in writing and signed by both proposer and seconder. Any nominations shall also be signed by the nominee indicating their willingness to stand – although emails accepted.
Annual Reports, Agenda and other information will follow closer to the date of the AGM
Lisa Colombo
Honorary General Secretary
Next Committee Meeting
I would appreciate it if the relevant Secretaries could have their annual reports done by then, although I would appreciate it even more to receive the reports by email!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Xmas Nosh Up on 21st December
Having had discussions with a few fellow club mates, we thought it would be a great idea to have a Club Christmas Dinner and what better and more traditional way to celebrate Christmas than to have a curry night! Tandoori Turkey here we come!!!!!
The plan is to go to The White Castle curry house in Ewell (very near to Si and Jen's) on Friday 21 December at 7pm. Basically, the more who turn up the merrier!
If you could let me know if you can make it by the end of October so that I can have an idea of numbers, I will then book the table.
It would be really good to see everyone there so I really hope you can make it.
My mobile number is 07799033696. Please text me and let me know if you can come.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Ibbotson Barbeque
Simon had a go at riding the 'wobbly' bike, but like myself couldn't quite get to grips with it - Andy was much better, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get it on film.
Jen rode the 'Penny Farthing' - with Guy from Pearson alongside offering moral support and a hand when it came to dismounting. Even Gary had a go!
Jackie had a go at max-ing out - after lunch and on a full stomach she did a respectable 31.2 mph, but the winner was always going to be hard to beat with an incredible 42.9mph.
There is a more detailed report and some photographs by Paul Wright on London Cycle Sport.
ps- I've tried to add some pics but am not sure if they'll appear.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
29th Sept 2007
Tony T 30:02
Lisa 32:47
Festival 10 G10/42 Sat 29th Sept 2007
Jackie 25:02 - Club Record
Jake 28:03
Andy 25:52
Simon 26:05
Saturday, September 22, 2007
North Hants 25 result
Jackie Townsend 1:4:05
Ann Bath 1:12:46
Rachel Croggon 1:8:40
Jake Dodd 1:9:38
All have recorded their best 25 of the year.
Club Ladies Team Record twice, as they started in that order: 3:25:31 & 3:22:23
Joe Bertorelli 1:0:02
Andy Avis 1:6:26
Not an improvement on either of their times.
I say "sadly" because Jackie already has enough trophies for her wheel-barrow at the Club Dinner! ;-) However with the steady improvements she has made during the year she deserves it.
Friday, September 21, 2007
MTB downhill world speed record attempt
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Consolation 25 result
Name Time Hcp Hcp Time
Rachel Croggon 1:13:26 11:30 1:01:56
Jackie Townsend 1:10:02 07:30 1:02:32
Paul Day 1:11:12 08:30 1:02:42
Ray Dare 1:12:10 09:15 1:02:55
Steve Hillier 1:19:03 16:00 1:03:03
Jake Dodd 1:17:54 12:00 1:05:54
Grant Pyke 1:20:20 12:15 1:08:05
Joe Bertorelli 1:08:39 00:00 1:08:39
Andy Avis 1:10:41 02:00 1:08:41
However, if Jackie can improve her 25 next week by half a minute, without Rachel making a corresponding improvement then it could be all change over the trophies!
Today's event settled the final club events points trophies, with Andy just about securing his lead over Joe in the Men's points trophy and Jackie overhauling Jake for the Dar Trophy (Handicap Points).
Joe had an interesting ride when he realised that he'd left his race shoes behind, and rode in trainers on Look style pedals - he said concentrating on keeping his feet on the pedals took his mind off his back hurting! - but he was still fastest round.
Thanks to Frank for timekeeping our event before dashing off to Herne Hill to timekeep there for the afternoon.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
ECCA 12hr - Result
Jake 217.403
Ann 201.098
Lisa 155.783
Grant 153.112
Jake's ride gives her the record by 0.013 miles, or approximately 22 yards!
We also improved the team record by about half a mile, despite my best attempts to the contrary.
Ann, Jake & Grant won the VTTA National Team award with a total plus 0f +16.23 and also the VTTA East Anglian Group Team award.
and Ann won 2nd Handicap in the event and also 1st Lady on Handicap.
Provisional Trophy Winners 2007
Updated 16th September 2007
Club Championship: Jake Dodd 19.95mph
Men's Championship: Ray Dare 21.33mph
Ladies' Championship Trophy: Jackie Townsend 22.79mph
Junior B.A.R. Trophy: No competitors
Veteran's Champ Shield: Ray Dare +5.46mph
Pentney Mem'l Trophy (25): Joe Bertorelli 1:00:00
50 Miles Trophy: Joe Bertorelli 2:14:13
100 Miles Trophy: Jackie Townsend 4:58:08
12 Hour Trophy: Jake Dodd 217.403
Derek Mason Mem'l (KW): Jackie Townsend 2:16:21
Consolation Trophy: Paul Day - Provisionally
Road Race Champ Trophy: No competitors?
Club Events Pts Men: Andy Avis 85 pts
Club Events Pts Wmn: Jackie Townsend 112 pts
Dare Trophy (Hcp Pts): Jackie Townsend 69 pts
George Crouch Mem'l Tankard: Rachel Croggon +6m 15s
Tudor Cup: Jackie Townsend 1:5:55
Brass Monkey Trophy: Stuart Pearce 1:10:17
Names in red indicate where the trophy has been settled - either due to there being no further qualifying events, or else an unassailable lead! Ironically, Andy is in the position where a win in the Consolation tomorrow would secure him the Men'sPoints Trophy which would then deny him the Consolation trophy.
And even more ironically, we have instituted a number of women's trophies in recent years to recognise the increasing number of women in the club, and Jake & Jackie have mopped up a good number of the open trophies this year as well. The men may lament the "disgrace" of conceding the trophies to the women, but where competition for the trophies is open to all members we aren't going to re-write the rules to keep the women from winning them (as I have heard tales of from other clubs.....).
Consolation 25 start sheet
3 Ray Dare 08-03
4 Grant Pyke 04
5 Mark McNamara 08-05
6 John Beer 06
7 Paul Day 07
8 Tony Tugwell 08
9 Jackie Townsend 09
10 Steve Hillier 08-10
11 Ann Bath 11
12 Andy Avis 12
13 Rachel Croggon 13
14 Jake Dodd 14
15 Joe Bertorelli 08-15
1st Hcp
2nd Hcp
3rd Hcp
Fastest Woman
Frank Cubis
The Consolation Tropy is awarded on handicap, so the entire event is run based on handicap. Because of this the handicap is sealed (so no one can work out who they need to catch in order to beat them on handicap). The club event points awarded are also based on handicap placings for this event. Also the trophy itself goes to the highest placed rider (on handicap) who has won no other trophy this year, which rules out certain members who have already secured trophies - see the next post for the provisional trophy winners for 2007.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Festival RC Roadman's 10
Course: G10/42
How fast are you without all the aero kit?
Can you beat the Road Bike event record of 21.41
Entries on CTT forms please to:
Colin McDermott see handbook
Entry Fee £6.50
Closing date 18th September 2007
Monday, September 03, 2007
He raced professionally in
Sadly John passed away on 27th September 2005 and left a hole too large to fill. The coaching side of Fit-For ceased but a number of his friends and clients decided to keep the name going and run a club in his memory……..
With this in mind, on October the 14th 2007, we bring you the first of what we hope will be many Ibbo Cake Quests. Three distances are on offer to cater for varying levels of fitness, all starting and finishing in John’s home of Walton on the Hill in
Rides are denoted as:
Carrot Cakes 110 km
Fruit Cakes 150 km
Entries in advance, with cheques payable to: The John Ibbotson Memorial Fund for £10, or £15 entry on the line.
c/o Sue Ibbotson
2 Mere Cottages,
Witheybed Corner
As a warm up event to get everyone in the mood, a fundraising barbecue is taking place on September 30th. This will take place in the field behind the Fox and Hound pub in Walton on the hill from 1.00 - 5.00pm. Food and drink costs £10 per head or £5 for children, vegetarians are also catered for. Everyone is welcome and with an increasing list of amusements and entertainment planned with highlights such as the “wonky bike challenge” and a “flying monkey competition” it is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face…John would have loved it!
All profits raised will go towards ‘The John Ibbotson Memorial Fund’ which aims to help support carefully selected young aspirant riders making their first tentative steps towards racing in
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Hilly 12 Result
*inc 2 min LS
5 Bob French 45-26 Weybridge Wlrs 3-07.25
6 Nicky Chambers 50-59 PTT 3-26.12
7 Lisa Colombo DNF 15:00 1/0
8 Andy Avis 39-14 3:00 36-14 2-24.09 5 7/4
9 Jake Dodd 42-30 7:00 35-30 2-29.16 6 5/5
11 Tony Tugwell DNS
13 Ray Dare 41-42 3:30 38-12 2-31.55 4 4/2
14 Rachel Croggon 40-55 6:00 34-55 2-36.35 5 7/7
15 Jackie Townsend 41-17* 3:00 38-17 2-20.19 7 6/2
16 Joe Bertorelli 39-26 2:00 37-26 2-19.62 6 6/3
17 Paul Day 39-28 4:00 35-28 2-03.69 7 5/6
18 Grant Pyke DNS
19 David French 39-19 Weybridge Wlrs 2-11.93
DNS: Ann B, Steve H, Emma P, Grant P, Jen & Simon M.
1st Hcp Rachel Croggon
1st Fastest Andy Avis
2nd Hcp Paul Day
2nd Fastest Joe Bertorelli
3rd Hcp Jake Dodd
1st Woman Rachel Croggon
Hill Climb start time keeper: Doreen Powney
Marshals: Judy, David, Ben, Nicholas, Iain & Carolyn Margery. Frank Powney.
Pusher Off: Tony d’Italia
Frank Cubis
And a special thanks to: Joe for stopping and giving me his pump after I punctured along by the Hand in Hand, an act which certainly lost him the Club Event win. Also to David French for informing next marshal, David Margery, who very kindly came and collected me and returned me to the HQ, which was greatly appreciated. Thanks to you all.
Commiserations to Jackie over her 2min late start which cost her the Club Record.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Hilly 12 start
3 Nina Kite 18-00 09-03
4 Ann Bath 9-00 04
5 Steve Hillier 11-00 09-05
6 Emma Potter 13-00 06
7 Lisa Colombo 15-00 07
8 Andy Avis 3-00 08
9 Jake Dodd 7-00 09
10 Florence Hallett 10-00 09-10
11 Tony Tugwell 13-00 11
12 Jackie Townsend 3-00 12
13 Ray Dare 3-30 13
14 Rachel Croggon 6-00 14
15 Mark McNamara 12-00 09-15
16 Joe Bertorelli 2-00 16
17 Paul Day 4-00 17
18 Grant Pyke 6-00 18
19 Jen Mitchell 8-00 19
20 Simon Mitchell Scr 09-20
Hilly 12
1st & 2nd Fastest
1st, 2nd & 3rd Hcp
Fastest Woman
Hill Climb
Mens Champion
Womans Champion
HQ - On B2033 Headley Common Road at National Trust car park, Headley Heath.
NOTE: This is a pay and display car park and has a Height Restriction Barrier.
Hilly 12 Course
START at Power Pole 010 in Lodgebottom Road, 235 yds south of B2033 near Headley (TQ198543) Continue down hill to T junction at Mickleham where
LEFT (marshal). To bottom of Zig-Zag where
LEFT (marshal) continue to B2033 where
SHARP LEFT (CARE) (marshal). Continue along B2033 past HQ and in ¾ mile take
left fork (marshal) along Clay Lane. To A24 Leatherhead By-Pass where
LEFT (CARE) (no marshal) Along A24 to 1st RBT where
1st LEFT (no marshal) along B2033 Reigate Road to finish at oak tree on left side of road, 43 yards before Give Way sign and 125 yards before Headley Common Road.
Care should be taken riding to the start (Especially If Wet) as the road descends sharply and there are sharp bends.
There are speed humps on the Zig Zag of Box Hill (low risk)
There are speed humps on the very fast descent after the Clay Lane fork, Be Very Careful, You Will Not Miss Them.
(The Last 825 Yards of The Hilly 12 Course)
DO NOT STOP, BUT: The Hill Climb starts at the GREEN FLAG 825 Yards before the finish of Hilly 12 Mile Course, on B2033 at the junction of Lodgebottom Road and the start of Leech Lane, at fire hydrant cover, by hydrant sign 4/30.
The Hill Climb (flying start) is just as riders reach the dip were the Hilly 12 start lane is on their right. Continue for 825 yards to finish at Hilly 12 Finish.
Frank Cubis
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
ECCA 12hr - Provisional Result
202 Ann
190 Grant (Trike)
156 Lisa
Grant missed the northen turn back on to the A11 and managed to visit Bury St Edmunds, so his distance could well have some drastic revision when the final result comes out. But whatever they give him, he will certainly retain the VTTA award for first trike in the event. It looks as though he could well have set Surrey/Sussex and National VTTA records for a 71 yr-old on a trike to boot.
Ann's rough calculation at the HQ was that we had added 4 miles to last year's Women's team record of 570 miles, but the record is 573.731 and our provisional total (excluding the fractions) comes to 574, so it will be tight.
The Phoenix were awarded the VTTA team medals (the VTTA National Championship was incorporated in the event).
156 is my lowest ever - having got to the finishing circuit with only 130 on the clock, which gives an answer to the ongoing debate of "what is the lowest mileage that needs to be done to finish a 12?" Considering that Sunday's ride is my 5th highest week's mileage this year, I guess I should be satisfied.
Jake's ride gives her the 12 hour trophy, and I don't think it's going to be taken away from her now. Grant is currently leading the Club Championship, as the only member to have completed the distances, yet, and the 100 & 12 are both on trike!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
VTTA National Championship 12hr
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Anerley 50/ WLCA 100
12 Aug 2007
Jackie Townsend 2:14:47 2:00 2:12:47 7/5
Paul Day 2:19:02 9:00 2:10:02 7/7 1st Hcp
Jake Dodd 2:25:07 14:00 2:11:07 6/6
Andy Avis 2:25:42 Scr 2:25:42 6/3
Grant Pyke 2:40:10 23:00 2:17:10 5/4
Lisa Colombo DNS 38:00 - Ill
Ann Bath DNS 26:00 - damaged finger
Jackie won the club event (again), but with only 7 entrants the only prize money was for 1st Hcp, which Paul won, having finally clocked a good 50 (after puncturing last year).
Jackie has smashed the Ladies 50 Club Record - Jake is not convinced that the record was her 2:17:04, but I'm sure that no Lady has done a 2:14 before.
Grant didn't go as fast as he wanted, but has set another age record on the trike, if nothing else.
12 Aug 2007
Ray won first Vet on standard in this event and broke the National Age Record for an 81 year old, which he was after.
12 Aug 2007
He's shaving fractions off his time.....
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Eve 10 #8 Result
Wednesday 8th August 2007
No. Name Time HCP Hcp Time Scr/Hcp Awards
2. Emma Potter 30-40 PTT
3. Darren Sullivan 26-10 PTT
4. Nina Kite 33-51 9-45 24-06 3/2
5. Paul Day 25-27 3-00 22-27 2/4
7. Lisa Colombo 32-02 8-45 23-17 4/2
8. Andy Avis 26-04 2-00 24-04 2/2
9. Bob Smith 25-26 PTT
10. Tony Tugwell 31-54 8-00 23-54 2/2
11. Simon Mitchell 25-07 1-30 23-37 5/2 3rd Fastest
12. Richard Hallett 22-25 Sydenham Whls
13. Pete Mitchell 29-04 5-00 24-04 2/2
14. Stuart Pearce 23-56 0-45 23-11 6/2 2nd Fastest
15. Barry McDermott 24-19 Festival RC
16. Steve Hillier 27-54 7-15 20-39 2/7 1st Hcp
17. Mike Morley 29-27 PTT
18. Roy Instrall 24-21 Morden CRC
20. Ben Pearce 23-46 Scr 23-46 7/2 1st Fastest
21. Jackie Townsend 25-41 3-15 22-26 7/5 1st W/3rd Hcp
22. Jake Dodd 27-29 5-00 22-26 6/3
23. Jen Mitchell 28-05 5-45 22-20 5/6 2nd Hcp
24. Sam Showleben 25-10 PTT
26. Grant Pyke 29-42 5-30 24-12 2/2
DNS: Florence H, David C, Rachel C, Ann B, Joe B, Mark M
Kingston Wheelers
Many thanks to Tony T. for placing and retrieving the Event Warning signs round the course.
Start/No Name Time
25/27 Charlotte East 24-18
29/36 Ed R. 26-00
31 Brian Shepherd 23-59
32/30 Gafyn McMillian 26-00
34 Simon Mew 25-27
35 Chris Kenkins 24-29
36/29 John Coolahan 28-18
38 Peter Spencer 24-16
39 Mark Gray 25-39
40 Alexis Brown 23-58
41 Will Meers 24-51
42 Alan Sherman 24-01
43 Naz Peralta 23-16
45 Steve Saunders 21-51
46 Daniel Sibbick 21-25
47 Lawrence Smith 20-54
48 Stefan Sichy 26-17 Punc
Frank Cubis
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Eve 10 #8 start
WEDNESDAY 8th August 2007
3. Darren Sullivan PTT
4. Nina Kite 9-45 19-32
5. Paul Day 3-00
6. Florence Hallett 6-00 19-33
7. Lisa Colombo 8-45
8. Andy Avis 2-00 19-34
9. David Croggon 6-00
10. Tony Tugwell 8-00 19-35
11. Simon Mitchell 1-30
12. Rachel Croggon 4-45 19-36
13. Pete Mitchell 5-00
14. Stuart Pearce 0-45 19-37
15. Ann Bath 5-45
16. Steve Hillier 7-15 19-38
17. Joe Bertorelli 0-30
18. Grant Pyke 5-30 19-39
19. Mark McNamara 7-00
20. Ben Pearce Scr 19-40
21. Jackie Townsend 3-15
22. Jake Dodd 5-00 19-41
23. Jen Mitchell 5-45
1st 2nd & 3rd Handicap
1st 2nd & 3rd Fastest
Fastest Woman
Frank Cubis
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Revolutions 5-day
Once again that time has come when I have to go begging.
The stages are :-
1 Alfold/ Kirdford area - 100 miles. HQ Alfold Crosways Hall
2 Bletchingley/Smallfields/South Nutfield circuits - 95 miles. HQ Bletchingley Village Hall
3 Goodwood - 1 lap TT then 76 miles Singleton - Midhurst - South Harting - Lavant (2 laps) finishing at Goodwood
4 Ewhurst/Waliswood/Ockley finishing on Leith Hill - 95 miles. HQ Ockley Village Hall
5 The Ashdown - 72 miles of all the hills. HQ All Saints Church, Crowborough.
Yours in sport,
Keith Butler
Sunday, July 29, 2007
SCCU 100
Grant went off no. 1 on his trike - pretty much as the rain stopped - and was also the last competitor to complete the course with 6:15:14.
I was among the DNFs (the first actually!) having barely managed 15mph for the first two hours and not managing to actually "race" despite trying quite hard. I didn't fancy a second lap of the 25 course, and figured that at the speed I was going I would still be riding at the thick end of 7 hours - I couldn't face it, and it wouldn't be fair on the marshals.
Ray stormed round in 5:9:33, as a warm-up for the WLCA 100 in two week's time.
Grant will claim a club record or two with his ride, not sure about Ray yet, or even if any VTTA records were at stake......
I've been up since 4am, so I'm a bit knackered!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Eve 10 #7 - Result
WEDNESDAY 25th July 2007
No Name Time HCP HcpT Scr/Hcp AwardsKingston Wheelers
3 5 Paul Day 27-24 3-00 24-24 6/6 2nd/2nd Hcp
10 6 Lisa Colombo 35-55 8-00 27-55 5/2
7 7 Andy Avis 28-06 1-30 26-36 5/2
9 8 Bob Smith 27-00 PTT
17 9 Pete Mitchell 31-37 6-00 25-37 2/2
8 10 Ken Day 29-20 3-30 25-50 4/2
12 11 Jake Dodd 29-40 4-30 25-10 6/4
13 12 Grant Pyke 30-01 6-00 24-01 3/7 1st Hcp
18 13 Ben Pearce 25-18 Scr 25-18 7/3 1st Fastest
19 14 Jackie Townsend 27-54 3-15 24-39 7/5 3rd/3rd Hcp/1stW
14 15 Natasha Buckley 26-44 PTT
15 16 Nick Wood 27-43 PTT
25 17 Natalie Creswick 26-13
27 18 Betony Garner 31-05
28 19 Charlotte East 27-42
32 20 Simon Mew 26-32
30 21 Martin Bamfield 26-24
29 22 Pete Spencer 25-45
37 23 Mark Gray 25-34
31 24 John Coolahan 26-04
40 25 Phil Turner 27-53
33 26 Colin Gray 25-54
36 27 Alexis Brown 25-27
41 28 Ben Elliot 24-12
39 29 Naz Peralta 24-46
38 30 Emma Dews 26-31
42 35 Lawrence Smith 22-21
43 37 Daniel Sibbick 22-55
Ann B
David C
Nina K
Mark M
Simon M
Jen M
Steve H
Stuart P
John B
Tony T
Florence H
Many thanks to Andy & Jackie, for placing and retrieving the Event Warning signs round the course.
Wednesday 8th August is the last Evening Ten of the year.
Just for the record : Due to the inclement weather, the riders were sent off as they arrived at the start.
Frank Cubis
Not that it was a fast evening - in fact most unpleasant, wet and with rather too much headwind most of the way round.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Eve 10 #7 start sheet
WEDNESDAY 25th July 2007
1 19-30-30
3 Paul Day 3-00 19-31-30
4 Ann Bath 5-45 19-32
5 David Croggon 6-15
6 Nina Kite 9-30 19-33
7 Andy Avis 1-30
8 Ken Day 3-30 19-34
9 Mark McNamara 7-00
10 Lisa Colombo 8-00 19-35
11 Simon Mitchell 1-00
12 Jake Dodd 4-30 19-36
13 Grant Pyke 6-00
14 Steve Hillier 7-30 19-37
15 Stuart Pearce 0-30
16 John Beer 3-30 19-38
17 Pete Mitchell 6-00
18 Ben Pearce Scr 19-39
19 Jackie Townsend 3-15
20 Jen Mitchell 5-30 19-40
21 Florence Hallett 6-00
22 Tony Tugwell 8-00 19-41
1st, 2nd & 3rd Fastest
1st, 2nd & 3rd Handicap
Fastest Woman
Frank Cubis
Bec 25/Club event - full result
Club 25 Mile Time Trial
Incorporated in Bec CC Open Event
Sunday 15th July 2007 - G25/53
Result Sheet
No Name Time Hcp HcpT Scr/Hcp AwardFrank Cubis
29 Lisa Colombo 1-28-49 22-00 1-06-49 5/2
31 Joe Bertorelli 1-01-45 Scr 1-01-45 7/5 1st Fastest
39 Grant Pyke (T) 1-18-33 14-00 1-04-33 3/2
44 Pete Mitchell 1-14-57 12-00 1-02-47 4/3
49 Ray Dare 1-08-46 8-30 1-00-16 5/7 1st Hcp
59 Mark McNamara DNS 21-00
89 Jake Dodd 1-12-54 11-00 1-01-54 6/4
93 Andy Avis 1-07-39 2-30 1-05-09 6/2
99 Jackie Townsend 1-08-00 7-15 1-00-45 7/6 1st Woman
Monday, July 16, 2007
Bec 25 - brief result
No Name Time
Steve Dennis 52:53
31 Joe Bertorelli 1:01:45
93 Andy Avis 1:07:39
99 Jackie Townsend 1:08:00
49 Ray Dare 1:08:46
89 Jake Dodd 1:12:54
44 Pete Mitchell 1:14:57
39 Grant Pyke (T) 1:18:33
29 Lisa Colombo 1:28:48
59 Mark McNamara DNF
Joe provided the cabaret by locking his keys in the car. The nice man from the AA arrived within 5 minutes of being called and was into the car in almost the same time - quite worrying from a security viewpoint.
I punctured, but it was slow enough that I managed to get round pumping it up (4 times - and over 3 mins stopped according to the discrepancy between my two watches), but I was hardly on a flier anyway....
Mark disappeared into the ether.
Grant missed his target time of 1:17:39 (I believe) and is now looking for a suitable alternative 25 to ride.
Thanks to Jake and Florence for marshalling the SCCU road race in the afternoon - which Gary won!
John was riding the North Middlesex & Herts 100, but after clocking 2:21:50 for the first 50, then didn't finish.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Bec 25 - start info
15th July 2007
No Name Start Hcp
29 Lisa Colombo 06:59 22:00
31 Joe Bertorelli 07:01 Scr
39 Grant Pyke (T) 07:09 14:00
44 Pete Mitchell 07:14 12:00
49 Ray Dare 07:19 8:20
59 Mark McNamara 07:29 21:00
89 Jake Dodd 07:59 11:00
93 Andy Avis 08:03 2:30
99 Jackie Townsend 08:09 7:15
As there are more than 5 Phoenix entrants (and I don't believe anyone was rejected), this does count as a Club Event.
1st Hcp
1st Fastest
1st Woman
Grant entered the event on Trike, so his handicap has been increased.
His age standard is 1:29:34
Updated 14/07/07
Eve 10 #6 - Result
WEDNESDAY 11th July 2007 G10/42
No NAME TIME HCP H/TIME Scr/Hcp AWARDDNS David Croggon, Ann Bath, Rachel Croggon, Steve Hillier, Florence Hallett.
1 Emma Potter 31-31 PTT
2 Nina Kite 34-20 PTT
4 Lisa Colombo 30-29 8-00 22-29 5/6 2nd Hcp
5 Ken Day 26-31 3-00 23-31 4/2
6 Jake Dodd 26-57 4-15 22-42 6/5 3rd Hcp
7 Mark McNamara 29-37 8-00 21-37 2/7 1st Hcp
8 John Beer 26-39 2-15 24-24 2/2
10 Tony Tugwell 32-10 6-30 25-40 2/2
11 Jackie Townsend 25-55 2-45 23-10 7/2 1stW/2nd Pl
12 Pete Mitchell 29-00 4-45 24-15 2/2
13 Grant Pyke (T) 29-39 6-30 23-09 2/3
14 Paul Day 25-58 2-00 23-58 6/2
15 Nick Wood 26-26 PTT
17 Andy Avis 26-11 1-00 25-11 5/2
18 Ray Dare 26-33 3-45 22-48 3/4
20 Joe Bertorelli 23-40 Scr 23-40 7/2 1st Place
25 Emma Dews 26-32 PTT
Kingston Wheelers
40 Andrew Bye 20-44Many thanks to:
39 Adam Page 21-22
41 Daniel Sibbick 21-42
38 Lawrence Smith 21-52
29 Ben Elliott 23-09
37 Steven Saunders 23-13
36 Alan Sherman 23-48
35 Alexis Brown 24-02
30 Phill Turner 26-54
33 Gafyn McMillan 27-42
Joe & Rachel for placing and retrieving the Event Warning signs round the course.
Ron & Doreen for the teas.
Jackie for the cake (yum, yum - it looked good even if I had tried so hard that I couldn't face any! Lisa)
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Anyone Up For The Track?
From the enquiries I have made so far, it would appear that to make any track session practically and economically feasible the more people who are interested, the merrier. It also doesn't matter if there is some disparity in ability as the faster cyclists can go into a separate group whilst the less fast have a bit of a breather. From my experience of track sessions, you are not on the track all the time and usually find that you are glad of a rest.
So what it would be helpful to know in advance of organising anything is how many people are interested and whether there are any particular times of the year when you're unlikely to be free ie. you have a holiday booked. I'm due to have the metal work removed from my leg at the end of October which probably means I'd like to book the session some time in October or in the New Year (Jan or Feb). Would people be interested in doing a track session during any of these months? Obviously it's likely to be during a weekend.
John Capelin, who provides coaching sessions for the track at Newport, has indicated that there are free sessions available on either Sunday 7 October or Sunday 14 October between 9am and 12pm. It costs £30 each for the session but this includes bike hire and coaching. Would anyone be interested in attending one of these sessions, bearing in mind it would either involve an early morning wake up call or an overnight stay in Newport? If anyone is interested in this, we'd have to act quickly as he says that sessions get booked up quickly (whether this is sales banter, I don't know). So perhaps if anyone is interested in attending these October sessions (13 people minimum) please could you let me know within the next 7 days (11 July), which hopefully won't be too late to book the session.
Evening 10 #6 - start sheet
WEDNESDAY 11th July 2007
1. 19-30-30
3. Ann Bath 5-15 19-31-30
4. Lisa Colombo 8-00 19-32
5. Ken Day 3-00
6. Jake Dodd 5-00 19-33
7. Mark McNamara 8-00
8. John Beer 3-00 19-34
9. David Croggon 5-00
10. Tony Tugwell 6-30 19-35
11. Jackie Townsend 2-45
12. Pete Mitchell 4-45 19-36
13. Grant Pyke (Trike) 6-30
14. Paul Day 2-00 19-37
15. Rachel Croggon 4-00
16. Steve Hillier 6-00 19-38
17. Andy Avis 1-00
18. Ray Dare 3-45 19-39
19. Florence Hallett 5-15
20. Joe Bertorelli Scr 19-40
1st, 2nd & 3rd Handicap
1st & 2nd Fastest
Fastest Woman
We need 2 marshals for the SCCU Road Race on Sunday 15th July, and 1 helper with Grant for the SCCU 25 on 9th September.
Frank Cubis
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
SUNDAY 1st July 2007
4 Jake Dodd 2-34-40 23-30 2-11-10 5/2
14 Grant Pyke 2-32-59 22-00 2-10-59 4/4 Shield
23 Ray Dare 2-27-33 20-30 2-07-03 5/6
29 Jackie Townsend 2-23-47 13-00 2-10-47 7/5 1st Woman
31 Andy Avis 2-25-28* 5-00 2-20-28 6/2
34 Rachel Croggon 2-28-13 21-15 2-06-58 6/7 1st Hcp
48 Joe Bertorelli 2-14-13 Scr 2-14-13 7/2
* Includes 1min 34sec Late Start
1st Hcp
1st Woman
6th Fastest to hold the Inter Club 50 shield
Many thanks to Florence & Judy for being the Phoenix representatives as our commitment for marshalling
Frank Cubis
Championship 10 - Result
WEDNESDAY 27th June 2007 G10/42
15 Ben Pearce 24-23 Scr 24-23 7 2
10 Joe Bertorelli 24-45 Scr 24-45 +1:57 6 2
20 Stuart Pearce 25-21 Scr 25-21 5 2
21 Peter Edwards 26-25 2-15 24-10 +3:51 3 5
5 Andy Avis 26-11 1-15 24-56 +0:07 4 2
11 Jackie Townsend 27-32 3-00 24-32 7 2
6 Ray Dare 27-53 4-15 23-38 +7:02 2 7
16 Tim Morley 28-05 PTT
17 Rachel Croggon 28-18 4-30 23-48 6 6
2 Jake Dodd 29-12 5-00 24-12 -1:13 5 4
18 Grant Pyke 30-13 5-00 25-13 +2:02 2 2
8 Ann Bath 30-28 5-15 25-13 +0:47 4 2
7 Mike Morley 30-29 PTT
19 Florence Hallett 30-33 5-30 25-03 3 2
3 Steve Hillier 31-34 6-00 27-04 2 2
4 Mark McNamara 32-52 8-30 24-22 -0:52 2 3
9 Emma Potter 33-13 7-30 25-43 2 2
14 Nina Kite 37-27 6-30 30-57 2 2
DNS Simon & Jen Mitchell, Mike Garnham, David Croggon
Fastest Man: Ben Pearce 24-23 Championship Medal
Fastest Woman: Jackie Townsend 27-32 Championship Medal
Fastest Vet OAS: Ray Dare +7:02 Championship Medal
Fastest on Handicap: Ray Dare 27-53 (23-38) Championship Medal
Kingston Wheelers
42 Daniel Sibbick 22-27
40 Sebastion Ader 23-35
35 Piers Stansfield 23-57
39 Alexis Brown 25-18
41 Colin Gray 25-57
31 Louise Mahe 26-01
Many thanks to Ben & Stuart for placing and retrieving the Event Warning signs round the course
Frank Cubis
Kingston - Worthing Result
Sunday 24th June 2007
34 Gary Dodd 2-00-08 PTT
28 Paul Bishop 2-15-52 PTT
26 Jackie Townsend 2-16-21 13-00 2-03-21 7 7 1st/1st H/1st W
24 Andy Avis 2-20-39 2-00 2-18-39 7 3 2nd Fastest
18 John Beer 2-20-53 10-00 2-10-53 6 5
10 Jake Dodd 2-25-47 20-00 2-05-47 6 6 2nd Hcp
16 Ray Dare 2-27-43 13-30 2-14-13 5 4
22 Damian Arnold 2-33-36 PTT
14 Francis Staunton 2-37-54 PTT
30 Simon Mitchell 2-38-07 4-00 2-34-07 4 2
20 Mike Garnham 2-52-48 12-00 2-40-48 3 2
12 Steve Hillier 2-55-53 17-00 2-38-53 2 2
4 Florence Hallett DNF 23-00 1 0
2 Mark McNamara DNS 42-00 0 0
6 David Croggon DNS 22-00 0 0
8 Jen Mitchell DNS 20-00 0 0
32 Joe Bertorelli DNS Scr 0 0
. Rachel Croggon DNS 18-00 0 0
Many Congratulations to Jackie, the first woman to win Kingston–Worthing
And, well done to all those who braved the conditions, that also includes the helpers.
Frank Cubis
Monday, July 02, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Cakes for Fab 15 next sat
Thank you so much.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Kingston - Worthing start sheet
SUNDAY 24th June 2007
2. Mark McNamara 42-00 06-02
4. Florence Hallett 23-00 06-04
6. David Croggon 22-00 06-06
8. Jen Mitchell 20-00 06-08
10. Jake Dodd 20-00 06-10
12. Steve Hillier 17-00 06-12
14. Rachel Croggon 18-00 06-14
16. Ray Dare 13-30 06-16
18. John Beer 10-00 06-18
20. Mike Garnham 12-00 06-20
22. Damian Arnold PTT 06-22
24. Andy Avis 2-00 06-24
26. Jackie Townsend 13-00 06-26
28. Paul Bishop PTT 06-28
30. Simon Mitchell 4-00 06-30
32. Joe Bertorelli Scr 06-32
34. Gary Dodd PTT 06-34
1st Fastest, Derek Mason Memorial Trophy
2nd Fastest
1st & 2nd Handicap
1st Fastest Woman
START in Kingston just north of A307 in High Street. South of Apple Market just before police station on crown of small river bridge.
CONTINUE south over small roundabout (care) onto A307 Esher bound.
In 1 mile turn left at traffic lights into Brighton Road, Surbiton A243.
CONTINUE on A243 across A3 (Ace of Spades) through Hook, Chessington towards Leatherhead, bear left using Leatherhead By-Pass still on A243, under M25 to 2nd Roundabout straight on, but now on A24.
KEEP ON A24 to the FINISH. (****** Except Farthings Hill, Broadbridge Heath)
USING all by-passes, Mickleham, Dorking, Capel, Horsham, Southwater & Ashington By-Passes. Up Washington Hill to Findon, and Offington Corner Rbt. junction with A27 CEMETARY on the RIGHT.
AT this point you are 500 YDS from the finish. At this roundabout BEAR LEFT A24/A27
Finish at 30mph sign by Hillside Avenue, Worthing.
There are a number of traffic lights on the course. Be very, very, careful.
Do Not Stop At The Finish, but continue to next rbt, (with traffic lights), were 1st exit into Hill Barn Road, (NOT THE A27) there is a car park approx ½ mile along on the right.
We decided this is a better parking area than Broadwater Green.
****** London South insists (for safety reasons). You must use the slip road up to Farthings Hill roundabout and continue south, to rejoin A24 again, if you fail to do this you will be disqualified.
Breakfast is booked as usual at MACARI’S 24-25 Marine Parade. A few yards east of Worthing pier.
Frank Cubis
Good Luck and a safe ride to all.
Championship 10 - start
WEDNESDAY 27th JUNE 2007 - G10/42
2. Jake Dodd 5:00 27:59 19:31:00
3. Steve Hillier 6:00 19:31:30
4. Mark McNamara 8:30 32:00 19:32:00
5. Andy Avis 1:15 26:18 19:32:30
6. Ray Dare 4:15 35:12 19:33:00
7. Jen Mitchell 4:45 28:25 19:33:30
8. Ann Bath 5:15 31:30 19:34:00
9. Emma Potter 7:30 19:34:30
10. Joe Bertorelli Scr 26:42 19:35:00
11. Jackie Townsend 3:00 19:35:30
12. Mike Garnham 4:30 19:36:00
13. David Croggon 5:00 27:07 19:36:30
14. Nina Kite 6:30 19:37:00
15. Ben Pearce Scr 19:37:30
16. Simon Mitchell 1:30 26:18 19:38:00
17. Rachel Croggon 4:30 28:38 19:38:30
18. Grant Pyke 5:00 32:30 19:39:00
19. Florence Hallett 5:30 19:39:30
20. Stuart Pearce Scr 19:40:00
21. Peter Edwards 2:15 30:30 19:40:30
If the age standards are incorrect, this will be adjusted. I will bring the Vets chart out with me.
(This is the only event where age is an asset)
Fastest Man Championship Medal
Fastest Woman Championship Medal
Fastest Vet O.A.S. Championship Medal
First on Handicap Championship Medal
Frank Cubis
Tour de France - Prologue Day
"If any of the Phoenix want a base to watch the Prologue then please see below.
So far we have about 80 of the Wheelers/Family/Friends coming but it is big enough for more. The only small problem is that there will be very little bike parking.
RICS will be opening the doors of 12 Great George Street - please note that the time trial race itself does not start until 1500.
Front doors open 1200 through to 1800."
Various hospitality will be available - further details from Lisa (by email, and I will be in touch the week before!)
I guess that we should let Lindsay know numbers in advance, so let me know if you are interested.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Would you go cycle touring on this bike?
Thought you might be interested in this website
Good luck to all of you racing during the next two weeks. I'm off to Slovenia tomorrow till 30th June. As usual there be plenty of mountains for me to climb and descend :)
See you in July.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Eve 10 #4: "Up TTT - Result
1 Mike Morley/Tim Morley 27-30
2 Jackie Townsend/Andy Avis 24-56 2nd Team
3 Florence Hallett 28-56
43 Emma Potter 31-51
4 Lisa Colombo/Pete Mitchell 29-31
5 Rachel Croggon/Joe Bertorelli 25-43
45 Mark McNamara 32-02
6 Christine Costiff/Nigel Costiff 27-06
7 Jake Dodd/Paul Day 26-30 Nearest Ave Time
8 Stuart Pearce/Ben Pearce 23-06 1st Team
41 Matt Chapman 25-25
9 Ann Bath/Grant Pyke 28-47
10 Ray Dare/John Beer 26-07
42 Rob Crozier 23-46
44 Jason Simpson 23-26
11 Steve Hillier 30-47
Kingston Wheelers
12 Richard Williamson/Thorsten Klassen 24-56
13 James Beaumont/Lawrence Smith 21-36
14 Ben Elliott 23-59
15 Colin Gray 25-26
16 Steve Calland/Doug Kenett 20-44
17 Marcus Brueton 24-48
18 Daniel Sibbick 21-57
19 Naz Peralta/Alan Sherman 23-29
20 Joe Holder/Glen Gilbert 26-01
All Phoenix Riders To Receive 2 Club Event Scratch Points
The average time of the 7 Phoenix Teams was 26min 22sec.
Many thanks to Jake for placing and retrieving the Event Warning signs round the course.
Congratulation to all riders for your safe riding in this 2 up Team Time Trial
Frank Cubis
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Fabulous Phoenix Fifteen 30th June
Once again I will try and give out a more generous prize list to the women to encourage entries from other clubs. Hopefully we will get another team to pit their strength against the Phoenix Fillies.
There will be a prize for breaking the course record and of course the Prime is back!
(All entrants are now on the Spread Sheet)
There is still plenty of time to enter. Official closing date is Tuesday 19/6/07 on CTT forms.
I will close entries on Friday's post. So I can get the entry form printed.
If members are not riding please would you help with marshalling. I need lots of happy people to ensure that the event goes off well.
A few more added.
I am pleased to see that we have Deborah Percival and our good friends Keith and Tamar who are going to have a go on both Solo and Tandem rides.
Lisa has now given me a spread sheet (top right to place the field on) I will start to fill this in.
Andy 15/6/07
First of the Hounslow have signed up to defend their team award. Although they will not be able to put up a team of three. It has been suggested that I give a prize for Womens Teams of two. So anymore ladies from the Addiscombe?
A 18/6/07
There is now a team of two Ladies from the Hounslow and the Phoenix...Hooray.
Now if we could get a third Team of Ladies to enter (Addiscombe?)
21/6/07. A few more entries are coming in & phone calls of others promised. Shut off is definitely Saturday Post so I can get the start sheets out on Monday. The spreadsheet (Top right) is now in seeded order based on line 1 (10 mile time).
23/6/07. A few more entries have come in over the weekend. If anyone else wants to enter then they will have to give me their entry by hand. before tommorow (Sunday) evening.
I must congratulate RT316 who have been trying to get as many of their club to enter.
I still need marshals to help guide the riders around the course. So if you are free and want to help, please let me know.
24/6/07. Entries are now all in. Start sheet is posted up (see Spread Sheet to the right). If you spot any errors or if I have missed anyone out. Please let me know ASAP.
As ever I am still in need of Marshals.
2Up - Start Sheet
1 & 1 Tony Tugwell/Mark McNamara 19:31
2 & 2 Jackie Townsend/Andy Avis 19:32
3 & 3 Florence Hallett/David Croggon 19:33
4 & 4 Lisa Colombo/Pete Mitchell 19:34
5 & 5 Rachel Croggon/Joe Bertorelli 19:35
6 & 6 Jen Mitchell/Simon Mitchell 19:36
7 & 7 Jake Dodd/Paul Day 19:37
8 & 8 Stuart Pearce/Ben Pearce 19:38
Unless the 4 riders decide to pair up, they will ride solo,
probably No’s 9-12
Grant Pyke
John Beer
Ray Dare
Ann Bath
1st & 2nd Fastest Team
Team nearest to average time.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Interclub 25 - result
SUNDAY 10th JUNE 2007
G25/53 (Broadbridge Heath)
1. Grant Pyke 1:11:34 11:00 1:00:34 4/2
3. Rachel Croggon 1:09:34 13:45 55:49 6/7
5. Ann Bath DNS
7. Mark McNamara 1:23:57 26:00 57:57 2/3
9. Andy Avis 1:01:33 3:00 58:33 7/2 1st Fastest
13. Jen Mitchell DNS
15. Florence Hallett 1:12:25 14:30 57:55 4/4
17. Lisa Colombo 1:23:47 25:00 58:47 3/2
19. Simon Mitchell 1:03:04 1:30 1:01:34 6/2 2nd Fastest
21. Jackie Townsend 1:06:32 9:30 57:02 7/6 3rdF/1st W/2nd Hcp
23. Jake Dodd 1:10:46 13:00 57:46 5/5 3rd Hcp
25. David Croggon 1:12:50 14:30 58:20 3/2
27. Tony Tugwell DNF 1/0
29. Joe Bertorelli 1:00:13 PTT
31. Paul Day 1:11:28 8:00 1:03:28 5/2
32. John Beer DNF 1/0
Please Note:
Our commitment to Southern Counties marshalling requires us to supply
2 helpers for the 50 on 1st July
2 helpers for the Road Race on 15th July
2 helpers for the 25 on 9th September
Pete M, Lisa, Joe, David C, Andy A, Mark M, Ron, Doreen, Rachel, Crystal, Jen, Simon, Jake, Tony T, Ben, Stuart.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Women's Divisionals 2007 - Result
Pos Name Club/Team Cat
1 Jo Munden VC Meudon 3W
2 Annette McInnes CC Basingstoke 3W
3 Sophie Ruderman Rapha Condor 2W
4 Charlotte Blackman London Dynamo 2W
5 Claire Leonard Brighton Excelsior 3W
6 Nikki Wheeler Velocity the Exercise Deck 1WV
7 Michelle Buck Team QCP 3W
8 Cathy Weiss 4W
9 Joanna Foster Twickenham CC 4W
10 Charlotte McDonald CC Basingstoke 3W
11 Louise Dutch VofW5 2W
12 Farah Azirar Team QCP 2W
13 Jenny Lloyd-Jones London Dynamo 4W
14 Gundula Hennig Private Member 4W
15 Trudi Sammons Reading CC 2W
16 Samantha Jones 3W
17 Jake Dodd Kingston Phoenix 3W
18 Maria David Pearson Cycles 3W
19 Lisa Scarlett Trisportnews Racing 4W
20 Jen Mitchell Kingston Phoenix 3W
21 Liz Rice London Phoenix 4W
dnf Ruhina Miller VC de Londres 3WJun
dns Anna Grundy
dns Antonia Burt
South East Regional Championship
1 Jo Munden VC Meudon 3W
2 Charlotte Blackman London Dynamo 2W
3 Claire Leonard Brighton Excelsior 3W
Central Regional Championship
1 Cathy Weiss 4W
2 Jenny Lloyd-Jones London Dynamo 4W
3 Trudi Sammons Reading CC 2W