Sunday, December 21, 2014
New Years Eve Party
The Phoenix New Years Eve party is at Jake and Garys again. All members and partners welcome. Bring food and drink and dancing shoes for later. 7.30 till 3ish. Room in garage for bikes and locked side gate for overflow. Hope to do the Pete picture board game to break the ice at 9pm then onto the food. Then music 11onwards. Feel free to leave early or arrive late! Email me for address if you dont know it. Anything that needs warming up your in charge!
Thursday, December 04, 2014
Faster sat rides
I propose meeting at 10 to 10 to leave at 10 on the dot for longer faster rides to 11s starting this sat. Will see how it goes. Garcons farm this week. Come along for the ride!
Saturday, November 08, 2014
Rawson Trophy Winners 2014
Mike Morley, as the only KPRC member to ride every single event (that's a total of 326 racing miles by the way) he received the Shield with Brain Powney last Sunday at the SCCU Prize Giving Lunch, held at the Copthorne Hotel.
However, this was a true team effort, so thank you to all the members who entered and raced in order for us to win this. I am hopeful of two things next year. Firstly, that a couple of other clubs might challenge us and that secondly, we win it again anyway.
Here's to next year.
Rawson Shield KPRC riders
Chrystal Sheldon, Jake Dodd, Joe Bertorelli, Steve Hillier, Brian Powney, Simon Trehearn, Mike Morey, Alex Kew, Helene Grinstead, Deborah Hurst, Grant Pyke, Russell Williams, Simon Waller, Richard Addis, Stuart Pearce, Simon Mitchell, Angie Launder, Ken Williams, Rick Opie, Gavin Hughes, Phil Burgin, Ray Dare, Lee Jardine, David Watt, Marcus Edwards, Rachel Watkins.
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
2014 AGM Notification
Kingston Phoenix Road Club
Hon President: B E Powney, Esq
Hon President: B E Powney, Esq
Notice of the Kingston Phoenix Road Club
2014 Annual General Meeting
2014 Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Kingston Phoenix Road Club will be held on Wednesday December 3rd at the Worcester Park Athletic Club, Green Lane, Worcester Park, Surrey; commencing at 8pm sharp.
All motions for inclusion on the agenda and any early nominations for Officers or committee Members, must be lodged with the Honorary General Secretary at least 14 days prior to the AGM – no later than 19th November 2014. All motions shall be in writing and signed by both proposed and seconder. Any advance nominations shall also be signed by the nominee indicating their willingness to stand. Proposals & nominations by email will be accepted.
Annual Reports, Agenda and other information will follow closer to the date of the AGM.
Frank Cubis
Honorary General Secretary
Current Committee Other Hon President Brian Powney Club Dinner Organiser Hon General Sec Frank Cubis Hon Time Trials Sec Alex Kew Hon Road Race Sec Simon Mitchell Hon Treasurer Steve Hillier Holder of Club Clothing Committee Member Dave Brentnall Committee Member Jake Dodd Committee Member Andy Pearce MTB Sec Committee Member Grant Pyke Co-opted to the committee in 2014: Florence Hallett & Chrystal Sheldon to assist Secretary Ian Davies, Open 10 organizer Lisa Colombo to remain in touch with committee business Press Secretary: Dave Brentnall Auditors: John Bellamy Ken Williams
Club Subs for 2015 are due as of 1st November 2014 --- ie Now!
See Steve Hillier to pay at the AGM—don’t forget wallet or cheque book!
Senior, 1st claim membership is £15: Cheques payable to Kingston Phoenix RC
Monday, November 03, 2014
More from SCCU
It seems that MHM was the only guy that entered all SCCU events according to a cross toasting by Tony Alston. It also seems from the prize presentation program that I also proped up from the bottom the BAR? Also got 4th in the age related standard time table beating Paul Tunnel of Addiscombe into 5th.
The photos below show the Rawson Trophy (in my dinning room - wait for the S H one T to hit the fan when my wife sees it!
I enjoyed the lunch it was very good and thanks to all the KPRC members that attended it was a very good turn out and forgive me for saying so Garry & Jake but you looked absolutely fabulous!
The photos below show the Rawson Trophy (in my dinning room - wait for the S H one T to hit the fan when my wife sees it!
I enjoyed the lunch it was very good and thanks to all the KPRC members that attended it was a very good turn out and forgive me for saying so Garry & Jake but you looked absolutely fabulous!
Thanks to the sterling efforts of Brain Powney we not only won but we annihilated the opposition pushing Addiscombe into second place 39 points to KPRC 80 in winning the Rawson Trophy. Well done Brian you motivated our club to do this! So next year let's not only go for the Rawson but one or two more SCCU trophy that no full team competed for. I attach some pictures the first of which is the array of splendid trophy's that the SCCU had to present. Sadly many of the winners were unable to attend!
Tony Alston did a fantastic job in organising the event and I felt that the food was really go. See my picture of the pudding course - 3 in 1.
Tony Alston did a fantastic job in organising the event and I felt that the food was really go. See my picture of the pudding course - 3 in 1.
Saturday, November 01, 2014
Member Profile - Ray Dare
My very first bike was an 18 inch Goodley Chater when I was about 12 years old. I have had a number of bikes since and I currently own seven, of which I class four as tourist and three as racing bikes. My favourite racer is the Boardman Team and the other two are a Gios and a Carlton. The Carlton has lasting memories for me as I mainly raced with sprints and tubulars and is still a delight for doing short local rides. It is necessary to carry spare ‘tubs’ which are quick to change in the event of a puncture.
In my Scottish tour this year I used my Evans
Pinnacle in favour of my old 1981 Evans but it may well be my Enigma taking
over for touring and the other bikes for general riding.
My parents were keen cyclists and were CTC members before and during the 2nd World War and during the war I did one tour with my father. However during the war my first long ride was with my eldest brother doing 165 miles to Caerphilly via Gloucester as the Seven Bridge did not exist then. It took us 18 hours, leaving at 3am and arriving at my Aunt’s at 9pm. We returned a week later but in less time, as we were fortunate in having a tail wind. I particularly remember the outward journey starting in steady rain, being stopped by a policeman at Henley wanting to know where we were going early in the morning and my brother said Abingdon, where in fact we had a welcome stop for breakfast. I have always thought since that the ride to Wales and back has been the foundation of my urge to ride 100m and 12hr TT’s, but not 24 hour time trials as 18 hours was enough for me.
What made you join Kingston Phoenix?
Through riding with the Cheam and Morden section
of the CTC in 1948 and enthused by other C&M members I joined the Kingston Phoenix
in 1951.
What has been your most memorable cycling
For the most memorable ride, I would say that
described above on my first ride to Caerphilly South Wales.
What has been your worst cycling experience?
The accident I had with a police car at the end
of Ruxley Lane before there were traffic lights and when I lived at Worcester
Park some 37 years ago. The police car did a right hand turn in front of me into
Ruxley Lane when I was on the way to Ewell on a training ride. Fortunately, having
been thrown over the side of the car and landing on the roof I escaped with
abrasions of the chest and shoulders and apparently concussion. The latter I was
to discover when a policeman bending over me at the bed I was in at Epsom
Hospital who was asking me where I lived got three addresses before getting the right
one! Fortunately I had two following motorists who were witnesses at the scene of the
accident and I was told by a policeman visiting me at home that the culprit
would lose his job if I made a case of it, so I accepted financial expenses
What cycling/sporting achievement are you most
proud of?
This is a difficult one to answer being a member
of the Phoenix for 60 odd years. However it was in 1951 that I rode my first 100
TT doing it in under 5 hours and I can now compare it with a 100 I rode at the age of 81, which was also
slightly under 5 hours and therefore the distance I am most proud of.
What are your plans for the rest of this season
or next season?
In terms of racing there are no plans as I am retired
but I will continue with the enjoyment of riding a bike and the company of
fellow cyclists.
Do you have any particular cycling or Sporting
Tony Doyle, Chris Braser, Chris Hoy, Bradley Wiggins and
Chris Froome.
Sum yourself in three words.
A consistent trier.Thursday, October 30, 2014
Paul Bishop - Spinning in Walton & Tadfworth
Hi club-mates! Just to let you know Paul Bishop is starting spinning classes. He has invested in 10 high spec Spinners and for the foreseeable future he will be conducting classes at the Cricket Club Mill Rd. Tadworth (Off the Dorking Rd. opposite the Blue Anchor pub) at the following times.
Monday, Wed, Friday 9.15am
Tuesday, Thurs. 6.30pm & 7.30pm.
Saturday. 8.00am
Cost is £7.50 per session or book 10 lessons in advance for £65. His contact by mobile is 07958 620762, either text or phone.
I have booked my first session for 7.30pm on Tuesday 4 November and will let you know how I get on. Paul is well known to a number of KPRC members and is a fully qualified sport physio. He has put a lot of time and money into setting up this venture and I hope that those who can will give it a try
Monday, Wed, Friday 9.15am
Tuesday, Thurs. 6.30pm & 7.30pm.
Saturday. 8.00am
Cost is £7.50 per session or book 10 lessons in advance for £65. His contact by mobile is 07958 620762, either text or phone.
I have booked my first session for 7.30pm on Tuesday 4 November and will let you know how I get on. Paul is well known to a number of KPRC members and is a fully qualified sport physio. He has put a lot of time and money into setting up this venture and I hope that those who can will give it a try
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Saturday winter rides rota
Now the clocks have changed we drop the ride to Ockham Bytes as it is cold there. The Vinerys takes its place as follows;
1st sat in month Garcons Farm Esher
2nd The Vinerys garden centre Lower Bookham
3rd West Horsley garden centre
4th Polesdon Lacey
5th Stoke Dabenham garden centre
If it is chucking it down the ride will deviate to Stoke Dabs for a shortened ride.
Click on sat rides on home page as this should now sit there.
Sun runs start at 9.30 for winter and are shorter especially if its cooold!
1st sat in month Garcons Farm Esher
2nd The Vinerys garden centre Lower Bookham
3rd West Horsley garden centre
4th Polesdon Lacey
5th Stoke Dabenham garden centre
If it is chucking it down the ride will deviate to Stoke Dabs for a shortened ride.
Click on sat rides on home page as this should now sit there.
Sun runs start at 9.30 for winter and are shorter especially if its cooold!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Tattenhams Indoor Market
An unapologetic and shameless plug here for the Tattenhams Indoor Market this Saturday, 1st November 2014, as Mel (and I) will be there with a stand. It's a chance to have a look at her bags purses etc and buy those Christmas gifts or at least get an idea. Bring your family and friends.
It opens at 10 and closes at 2pm but the café is open afterwards selling teas and homemade cakes.
Venue is The United Church of St Marks, Great Tattenhams, Epsom Downs. KT18 5RD.
ps Mel has also booked a table for the December fair as well so you can collect any orders that you made this week. :-)
See you there.
It opens at 10 and closes at 2pm but the café is open afterwards selling teas and homemade cakes.
Venue is The United Church of St Marks, Great Tattenhams, Epsom Downs. KT18 5RD.
ps Mel has also booked a table for the December fair as well so you can collect any orders that you made this week. :-)
See you there.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Redmon 2 up Gentlemans
I enjoy riding this event as it is based on Vets Standard Time. Mike Wakely did his usual excellent job in organising this annual event and at the presentation in Bear Green Village Hall said that next year will be a special occasion as it will be the 40th anniversary! I am sure that along with me all KPRC members will wish him and Redmon a highly successful event.
This year as ever we had our own amazing, indomitable Frank Cubis as finishing time keeper along with Tony Alston at the start.
It was a notable occasion for KPRC associates as the Fricker family got 3rd father & son! The event was won yet again by John & Eddie Allen from the promoting club. Had Tim been around to pace me we may have got second father and son! As it was had my pacer Helen been my daughter we would have been second family. So the challenge to Tim next year is lets go for it in the 40th anniversary.
In terms of outright winners well Andy Hicks had it all the way with a + 5:23 until Hutchinson came in dragging David Pollard into first place with a + 6:46, Mad Hatter Morley could only manage a - 1:06.
Pictures below:
The Allen's, MHM + Helen and Hutch
This year as ever we had our own amazing, indomitable Frank Cubis as finishing time keeper along with Tony Alston at the start.
It was a notable occasion for KPRC associates as the Fricker family got 3rd father & son! The event was won yet again by John & Eddie Allen from the promoting club. Had Tim been around to pace me we may have got second father and son! As it was had my pacer Helen been my daughter we would have been second family. So the challenge to Tim next year is lets go for it in the 40th anniversary.
In terms of outright winners well Andy Hicks had it all the way with a + 5:23 until Hutchinson came in dragging David Pollard into first place with a + 6:46, Mad Hatter Morley could only manage a - 1:06.
Pictures below:
The Allen's, MHM + Helen and Hutch
Friday, October 10, 2014
Sat and Sunday rides
Now the racing season has finished lets have more out on the sat and sunday rides! Click on the rides list to the left of the home page to see where they go. The sunday runs start at 9am at the moment but will change to 9.30 when the clocks change. Horton country park start. This week we are going to Westerham cafe then some of us going on to see the Bec Hillclimb at Titsy hill. A group will ride straight home. 45 miles hilly, but we will wait at top of each hill. Please have a go as it is nice to meet everyone out of racing mode and very sociable. If enough are out we can have a slow and fast group. Will try and post on The Forum whats happening so check up every sat eve. Last ride this sat to Ockham Bytes as next month it changes to winter mode The Vinerys where it is warmer! We are a soft lot!
Rons 85th Party at the club room
Congratulations Ron you have been the Rod and the leader of our club for so many years and your mantle has now been taken by your proud son! Thank you very much for inviting all KPRC members to celebrate your 85th tonight and an even bigger thank you to Doreen for supporting you so well and keeping your health going in recent times. I know now that it's the fairy cakes that have done it! KPRC is a family club and it has taken me some time to appreciate that but I have to say overall it has been a good cycling club over the years and through your good offices has contributed to so much in the cycling community of Kingston! I wish you and Doreen many,many happy years together and I wish to put on record support for our current President who is doing an excellent job in promoting our club and finding ways of encouraging our club to rise to challenges like the Rawson Trophy! I am looking forward to the next annual dinner at the Burford Bridge and even the SCCU Lunch!
Tuesday, October 07, 2014
Celebrate with Ron
Ron Powney is 85 this Thursday and he would like KPRC members to help him celebrate, so if you are free this Thursday then please come down to the Worcester Park Athletic and Social Club in Green Lane, Worcester Park. Ron has very kindly offered to buy KPRC members a drink on the night. It would be great to see you down there from 9pm.
Monday, October 06, 2014
Member Profile - Alex Kew
Alex suffering in the SCCU 21 |
Alex Kew has been a member of the Phoenix for four years and is the current Time Trial Secretary.
What’s your bike ownership history or what do you currently ride?
What made you join
Kingston Phoenix?
I wanted to improve the
cycle leg when I was competing in triathlons. I always seemed to be going
backwards when compared to other competitors and I decided that I wanted to do
some time trialling to improve my bike speed and I saw that the Phoenix did
their evening 10 time trials. I came along to my first one in 2010 and have not
looked back since.
Usually off course.
![]() |
Alpe d' Huez Triathlon 2014 |
Saturday, September 27, 2014
National championship winning time trial bike for sale
For those of you who are thinking of doing a 12 hour time trial here is the 2008 winning bike on ebay just waiting for you to bid. It's so very different to what is ridden these days and the advert has an interesting report on what Ian Cammish thinks of the event.
Click here to see advert
Click here to see advert
Friday, September 26, 2014
The Cycle Show
Maggie and I went to the Cycle Show today, to see what's going on. It was pleasing to see that the show is a growing success; some of the earlier ones in Birmingham had seemed a bit flat after Earls Court, but there is little doubt now that it has found its footing and is growing steadily.
The major trend I would pick out is that it's all about the road. Mountain bikes are still there, but fewer in number. The trade is still banging the drum for e-Bikes, but I'm not sure if the UK is listening. Utility bikes are there in numbers, but the emphasis is on fancy, high-end road-bikes. That's what's selling, as five minutes on Box Hill will confirm.
The major trend I would pick out is that it's all about the road. Mountain bikes are still there, but fewer in number. The trade is still banging the drum for e-Bikes, but I'm not sure if the UK is listening. Utility bikes are there in numbers, but the emphasis is on fancy, high-end road-bikes. That's what's selling, as five minutes on Box Hill will confirm.
The Trek stand was worth visiting - the Emonda lightweight showed what you can get for a lot of money - c. £10,000. A bike, with a warranty, that weighs less than four kilos - eight pounds or so. Less money gets you more weight, but you still get a very light bike. That's real progress. The Trek stand also illustrated the other major trend - disc brakes are here. Many models, from many manufacturers, could be had in either rim brake or disc brake versions. As far as I was able to tell there was no difference in weight or handling between them - it was just your choice. I'd take the discs every time.
Perhaps of interest to Wayfarers is that Condors also follow this trend, and their Heritage and Fratello Touring/Audax frames can be had in disc versions. £699 for the frame, if I recall correctly, so a very good basis for a solid - and handsome - all round bike.
Interesting stuff from Campag - electronic is the way ahead, they say, and they had a captive bike where you could experience the joys of EPS shifting. But for 2015 there's also a new range of Super Record, Record and Chorus that are entirely mechanical (and substantially carbon fibre). Bets well hedged at Campag. The other handy bit on their stand was a climbing version of their very widely used Bora carbon wheels. Made for Nairo Quintana, and in the shops in November.
It was good to see that Chris Boardman was on the Boardman stand, and that he'd brought his Lotus bike with him. More than twenty years old, but still unbeaten. The queue for autographs snaked into the distance.
And blow me if Van Nicholas didn't have a Rohloff version of their Yukon on display. I ordered one of these a couple of years ago when it was first announced, but it never turned up. Normal availability now, apparently. Have to think about that one.
Lastly, a novelty item that I thought was a good idea. It's a rear light, made of bright LEDs, about 6" by 4". It displays, flashing red, the speed of the bike. The intention is that if drivers, or fellow riders, have an idea of your speed, then they can behave appropriately. It will only work, of course, if the following car realises what the numbers mean. It certainly draws attention, which is half the battle.
A good show, with lots to see, and we enjoyed our day out.
The 12 Hour TT - A helper's perspective
This year we had Simon Trehearn and Simon Waller riding the
Kent CA 12 Hour, fighting it out for the 12 Hour Trophy and more importantly,
the Club Championship. Whoever cracked
first could hand the Club Championship to the other.
Sunday starts with a 3am alarm and I pick up Simon Trehearn
at 4am from Leatherhead and then drive 60 miles to Bethersden, south of Ashford
in Kent. The early morning was very
misty, such that the organisers delayed the start by 30 mins to 6.01 first man.
Simon Waller’s girlfriend Jeni travels with me, with food
and drink for all four of us, and both Simon’s spare wheels and early on we are
confused by which Simon is where as they both wore black skin suits and the
main difference was Simon T’s white overshoes.
Eventually the mist clears and we start to tell who’s
who. After some 60 miles both Simons
are close on the road making handing food and drink quite interesting! Is Simon Waller pushing too hard or is Simon
Trehearn not going well? By late morning
the Sun is up, it’s getting quite warm and SW needs a clothing change. A different crash hat also confuses us as we
now can’t remember what colours to look out for. Jeni found it very amusing when I tried
handing up the wrong drink to the wrong Simon.
By lunchtime ST is feeling sick and having his 2nd
stop, longer than the stops I used to have! and is complaining that he can’t
drink enough and doesn’t think his food is going to stay down. Then SW rolls in and lies out flat on the
grass and complains that he has been sick and doesn’t think he can eat anything
else. Oh what joy!
Mum and Dad Powney arrive and our intrepid Simon’s are off
for two more laps of the afternoon circuit and they both return for another
break. This time SW needs a full leg
massage and the discussion starts about who is going on and where can they
finish. After a bit of cajoling from
the “older Pownies” and a few long distance cycling stories, I’m thinking
that’s long enough, Simon T decides it’s time to head for the finishing
circuit, and catches Simon W out by promptly disappearing up the road.
Simon W decides to head off as well with the clear intention
of calling it a day at Time Keeper no 3 on the finishing circuit, or did he say
Timekeeper no4? Once we’ve sorted
ourselves out we head off in two cars with Ron and Doreen dispatched to collect
Simon W when he stops and Jeni and I to Timekeeper 1, the start of the
finishing circuit.
On route we pass Simon W looking “one shade of grey” clearly
not enjoying the afternoon sunshine! We
make it to TK 1 and stop. Simon T has
already arrived and is on the circuit, Ron and Doreen go through and then Simon
W joins the finishing circuit. Great
we’ve got both our riders to 160 miles!
Now the fun started.
After a while Simon T finished his first circuit and pulls
up and gets in my car. Not looking his
best and certainly not keen! “Am I
ahead of Simon W?” he asks. “Yes and he
was talking about packing” is the reply.
After about 30 minutes Simon T has decided my car seat is one of the
best and he’d like to stay.
Then Jeni spots Ron and Doreen pull up and Simon T is
suddenly alert and the questions fly.
Simon W is not with them and they have waited for half an hour at TK4
and not seen Simon W. Neither have we
and if Simon W arrives at TK1 now he’ll be on the same distance as Simon T.
Simon T then says “Oh no, if Simon turns up I’m gonna have
to get back on that bike and do another lap.”
“Well it’s all about where you two can pack and still remain a winner.” This conversation was one of the strangest
periods I have known in a 12 hour. The
past 3 hours was about who could get away with the shortest distance!
Having decided we have lost Simon W (we worked out later
that he had packed at TK3 and then cycled to the HQ – off the course – and Ron
and Doreen had been waiting at TK4), Ron and Doreen go round the finishing
circuit to HQ and Jeni and I go the wrong way round, also to HQ. This meant we talked Simon T back onto his
bike to start another lap as technically he was still racing as he had not yet
The two cars miss Simon W and arrive at the HQ only find him
propped up against the wall inside the HQ, under some blankets looking worse
than before. After making sure Simon W
is generally ok, I head back to the circuit to find Simon T. Stopping at TK 3 to be told he’s 15 mins up
the road I move on and same again at TK 5.
Surely he can’t be riding at the same speed I’m driving at!
Eventually after completing one full lap of the finishing
circuit, I find Simon T at TK 4 having completed his 12 hours and amazingly he
declares, “Sorry Brian I was feeling a bit better once I got going again so I
kept going!” Yeah yeah whatever.
Anyway they both recorded a distance, down on what they
would have liked but they finished and we made it home for 9pm. So if you think their 12 hour distance is
beatable, get training for next year’s event.
By Brian Powney
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Cranks - do you have the correct length?
I'm on holiday for a few days at home so I thought that I would share something with you.
A few weeks ago one of my brake/gear levers broke, so I decided to check the rest of the bike before I ordered replacements. I found that my chain had stretched so it needed to be replaced. The teeth on some of the gears had become hooked in shape due to wear so I decided that the cassette and two of the three chainrings needed replacing. I then thought about whether I should change the lengths of the cranks rather than just the two chainrings. Well after doing some research I found a very thorough explanation prepared by a bike fitter which provided me with some useful guidance and recommendations for the correct crank lengths in respect of different height riders. His article includes the results from several researchers and also feedback from Graeme O'Bree. I hope you find this useful too together with the case studies as it will give you something to consider when you next change your chainrings.
Click here to read the article: Fitting Guide for cranks
So I have now shortened my cranks from 170mm to 165mm. Clearly the saddle will need to be heightened as the maximum distance from the saddle to the pedal is now shorter. This will affect my riding position as the saddle is now higher than the handlebars so I will let you know over the next few weeks if I find it more or less comfortable and if I now fly up the hills more easily.
If anyone has any opinions please comment below.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
A new lighting system
I found this product on the web. It is a prototype designed by a couple of American cyclists who are now using Kickstarter to find funding to put it into production. They are inviting people to make an advanced payment of $40 plus $10 delivery to the UK. The payment is only taken if they receive funding which exceeds their target.
So for less than £35 you could have a water bottle which holds just under pint of liquid with your front and rear lights built in. To read more and see their video click on this link: aqualight-water-bottle
Monday, September 22, 2014
Consolation 25 (Ten) Photo Finish
Well a photo finish for Philip again but not this time by Rachel but a very well deserved win by Lynda in Sundays final club event of the year. At first Frank had computed that Philip was beaten by a mere 4 seconds but later found out that Lynda beat him by the narrowest of margins "1 second!" Well Philip the moral must try harder and you have been improving at the end of the season. Maybe the beard should come off!
Good to see Jake who was resting her knee, sharing a laugh with Lynda and also great to see Amanda, we have missed you so much I hope you will be able to race next year!
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Consolation 25 - start sheet
1 Tony Tugwell 32-00 09-01
2 Angie Launder 33-18 02
3 Ken Williams 33-50 03
4 Lynda Gale 04
5 Samantha Pickup 27-33 09-05
6 Rick Opie 27-07 06
7 Mike Morley 32-46 07
8 Matt Schutz 08
9 Steve Rigby 09
10 Jim Burdett 09-10
11 Mark Cawood 11
12 Rachel Watkins 30-16 12
13 Joe Bertorelli 28-12 13
14 Jake Dodd 29-48 14
15 Phil Todd 26-06 09-15
16 Steve Hillier 28-52 16
17 Simon Trehearn 25-30 17
18 Philip Burgin 30-16 18
1st, 2nd & 3rd Hcp - All Sealed Handicap
Winner on Hcp to hold the Consolation Trophy (subject to not having won any other Club Trophy this year)
Excluded: Simon Trehearn - Club Champion Jake Dodd - Ladies Champion Rachel Watkins - Women’s 25 Mike Morley - Handicap Trophy
Frank Cubis
Reminder that Pebblecombe is closed to traffic for those planning their route out to the start.
Monday, September 15, 2014
David Millar to ride Bec HC
Details on the CTT website
Apparently Millar plans to finish his career off with a club level event - the Bec Hill Climb.
No doubt Garry Beckett's persuasiveness has something to do with it. :)
Will be interesting to see how Millar compares with the record and Gary Dodd's time(s).
Apparently Millar plans to finish his career off with a club level event - the Bec Hill Climb.
No doubt Garry Beckett's persuasiveness has something to do with it. :)
Will be interesting to see how Millar compares with the record and Gary Dodd's time(s).
Monday, September 08, 2014
Kent CA 12hr - provisional result
Kent CA 12hr
Club Event
Sunday 7th September 2014
No NAME Dist HcpD Hcp Plus VetStd Scr/Hcp 37 Simon Waller 163 193 30m 3 / 4 41 Simon Trehearn 183 183 Scr -42m 225m 4 / 3
Not only are the distances provisional, but Frank had a very early start yesterday morning to time the 25, and the result he issued for the 12hr has at least some of the information transposed between the riders, so I am guessing that it was all of the info and assuming that Simon T was the faster of the two riders.
My information is that despite it being a good day for the 25, the start of the 12hr was delayed by 30 minutes due to mist/fog on the course and that both our riders were sick during the event (both of them????) and that they both made it to the finishing circuit to be assured of a distance credited to them, but both packed before running out their full time.
I look forward to hearing more about the event from the participants - remember both you and future long distance riders can learn from when things go horribly wrong.
Congrats to both Simons for finishing despite their problems.
SCCU 25 - result
Southern Counties Cycling Union
25 Mile Club Event
Sunday 7th September 2014
No NAME Time Hcp/T Hcp Plus VetStd Scr/Hcp Award 37 Joe Bertorelli 1-05-12 1-01-57 3:15 +7:31 1:12:43 7 / 2 1st Pl 59 Rachel Watkins 1-06-56 55-56 11:00 +10:15 1:17:11 4 / 7 1st Hcp 19 Simon Mitchell 1-07-14 59-14 8:00 +3:53 1:11:07 6 / 4 11 Mike Morley 1-07-58 58-20 9:30 +15:46 1:23:44 5 / 5 PB 64 Jake Dodd 1-08-13 1-01-58 6:15 +8:24 1:16:37 3 / 2 108 Philip Burgin 1-09-56 56-56 13:00 +7:49 1:17:45 4 / 6 34 Lee Jardine 1-14-31 1-02-31 12:00 -4:58 1:9:33 2 / 2 29 Grant Pyke 1-23-22 1-01-22 15:30 +11:43 1:27:35 3 / 3 TRIKE 39 Ken Williams 1-25-30 1-02-30 23:00 +0:47 1:26:17 2 / 2 77 Alex Kew DNS Scr 1:7:30
Thanks to whoever provided our marshalling commitment to the SCCU - let me know who you are and I will update this post for the records.
Saturday, September 06, 2014
September 7th - start sheets
Southern Counties Cycling Union
25 Mile Club Event
Sunday 7th September 2014
Start Sheet
No NAME HCP VetStd START 11 Mike Morley 9-30 1-23-44 7-11 19 Simon Mitchell 8-00 1-11-07 7-19 29 Grant Pyke 15-30 1-27-35 7-29 34 Lee Jardine 12-00 1-09-33 7-34 37 Joe Bertorelli 3-15 1-12-43 7-37 39 Ken Williams 23-00 1-26-17 7-39 59 Rachel Watkins 11-00 1-17-11 7-59 64 Jake Dodd 6-15 1-16-37 8-04 77 Alex Kew Scr 1-07-30 8-17 108 Philip Burgin 13-00 1-17-45 8-48
1st Hcp & 1st Fastest
Kent CA
12hr Club Event
Sunday 7th September 2014
Start Sheet
No NAME HCP VetStd START 37 Simon Waller 30mls 06-06 41 Simon Trehearn Scr 225mls 06-10
Note: I think the organiser has printed a slight error in the start time by one minute.
Tuesday, September 02, 2014
The Phoenix does it again 24hr Nat Champs
Well done one and all who helped and supported all our riders. The official result after much effort by Mick Kilby landed through my letter box today. Simon Trehearn, Paul Day & Ann Bath did a total of 939.01 miles to gain second team place in the Championship. A credit to our club and just reward to Brian Powney and all his team in marshaling so much effort to support us over the weekend and particularly through the night. Jules gets recognition for her sterling work through the night to help us through that trying night circuit and my agony in particular.
The result sheet also mentions that all finishers will receive a plaque also donated by Ann and I think that is very generous of Ann.
I also get full recognition and although I am a DNF I am officially credited with a 199.3 mile 12hr distance. To that end I thank Frank if in any way he helped here and I would ask if the KPRC committee can formally credit me this year with that 12hr distance as due to family commitments on 7 Sept I was unable to enter the KCA 12 hour as I had intended to do and with my present form would expect to have gone over 200 miles.
If anyone has an opinion on this and would care to post a comment either way I would be grateful!
On another subject I went to the grand re-opening of the Burford Bridge last night and it all looks very splendid. Access to the Barn is now from the hotel and subject to no more floods I expect our club dinner next year to be a resounding success and I am sure that Brian will make sure that it is so! I may post some pictures of the refurbishment at least of the angel that played the harp.
Best regards to all MMHM
The result sheet also mentions that all finishers will receive a plaque also donated by Ann and I think that is very generous of Ann.
I also get full recognition and although I am a DNF I am officially credited with a 199.3 mile 12hr distance. To that end I thank Frank if in any way he helped here and I would ask if the KPRC committee can formally credit me this year with that 12hr distance as due to family commitments on 7 Sept I was unable to enter the KCA 12 hour as I had intended to do and with my present form would expect to have gone over 200 miles.
If anyone has an opinion on this and would care to post a comment either way I would be grateful!
On another subject I went to the grand re-opening of the Burford Bridge last night and it all looks very splendid. Access to the Barn is now from the hotel and subject to no more floods I expect our club dinner next year to be a resounding success and I am sure that Brian will make sure that it is so! I may post some pictures of the refurbishment at least of the angel that played the harp.
Best regards to all MMHM
Hilly 12 - Result
36th Club Hilly 12 Mile Time Trial (GS/281)
Club Hill Climb Championship
Sunday 31st August 2014
Name Time HcpT Hcp Points Awards Alice Lethbridge 35-35 Kingston Wheelers Simon Trehearn 36-17 36-17 Scr 7/2 1st Place Matthew Whitaker 36-45 Kingston Wheelers David Watt 37-03 36-03 1:00 6/2 Steve Hillier 39-26 33-56 5:30 5/6 2nd Hcp Joe Bertorelli 40-08 34-08 6:00 4/5 Rohan Dubash 41-06 PTT Phil Todd 42-15 37-15 5:00 3/2 Mike Morley 42-23 34-53 7:30 2/3 PB Andy Avis 43-47 34-32 9:15 2/4 Stuart Downie 44-31 33-31 11:00 2/7 1st Hcp Jo Whiting 44-45 Addiscombe CC Steve Rigby 44-46 Addiscombe CC Chrystal Sheldon 45-32 36-32 9:00 2/2 David Vine 46-59 35-59 11:00 2/2 DNS: Gavin Hughes, Alex Kew (Apol), Ann Bath
Simon Trehearn to hold the Pete Mitchell Trophy
Matthew Whitaker 1-51.84 Alice Lethbridge 1-55.02 David Watt 2-03.71 7 Men’s Club Hill Climb Champion Steve Rigby 2-04.21 Simon Trehearn 2-05.10 6 Steve Hillier 2-13.01 5 Joe Bertorelli 2-24.96 4 Jo Whiting 2-26.28 Mike Morley 2-29.76 3 PB Rohan Dubash 2-32.01 Phil Todd 2-34.11 2 David Vine 2-47.54 2 Chrystal Sheldon 2-50.35 4 Women’s Club Hill Climb Champion Stuart Downie 2-52.84 2 Andy Avis 2-58.73 2
Many thanks to the following for making this a safe event
Mickleham - Judy & Nicholas Margery.
Into Box Hill - Carolyn, Iain & Ben Margery.
Headley Grove - David Margery.
Clay Lane - Frank Powney.
A24 - Russell Williams.
Beaverbrook Rbt - Deborah Hurst
Hill Climb Start Timekeeper - Doreen Powney.
Our last club event of the year is the Consolation on Sunday 21st Sept. Due to road works for our 25, this year it will be10 miles on our usual course starting at 08-45. Entries to Alex as usual.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Back Across The Pyrenees
Like all my high mountain rides, this one came from winter dreaming. In the grey days of February I was casting around for something suitable when I chanced upon a tour called the 'Pro Strength' Coast to Coast, offered by a company called Pyractif. The route is from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean taking in many classic cols linked by decent road mileages. Not as hard as last summer's Raid Dolomites, but a good ride nonetheless. Internet reviews were good, and for me it had the advantage of being an entirely commercial offering. So if I were to get a bit lazy and hitch a lift in the van on a hot day then I wouldn't be disqualified, as you would be on a proper Raid. An exchange of emails, a deposit paid and the deed was done.
A week ago I flew to Toulouse where I met Henk, Sam and Craig, three of my fellow riders. We were picked up by Helen in one of the support minibuses and taken to Pyractif's base at Bertren. We assembled our bikes, picked up Peter, another member of the support team, and drove to Biarritz. Here we met Chris, the ride leader, and the rest of the party. Substantially British, but with Australian, Canadian, Dutch and New Zealand riders, there were seventeen of us. The rest of them looked unreasonably fit, and unreasonably young too. All were experienced mountain riders and all had ridden in the Pyrenees before. Hard ride coming.
Next morning we set off to the seaside for a departure snap, then the ride began; 103 miles and about 9000 feet of climbing on the first day; more to come as we hit our stride. In all I clocked about 450 miles and 48,000 feet of climbing before we arrived at the Mediterranean on Friday morning. We did most of the classic cols - Marie Blanque, Aubisque, the Tourmalet-Aspin-Peyresourde 'Circle of Death', Portet d'Aspet, Port de Pailheres and plenty of others. A very good ride, and good weather too. We had a bit of drizzle for a couple of hours on Wednesday morning, but otherwise it was a blue sky ride, which is a blessing in the Pyrenees.
Support arrangements were good, as I have come to expect on these trips. Two vans, mechanical support, a lead rider on many of the passes and convenient and enjoyable alfresco lunches. Decent enough hotels - truth to tell, there's not that much choice if you're crossing the Pyrenees. If you run a hotel that's good for cyclists you'll have plenty of custom in the summer season, and I've stayed in several of them before. They know their business.
My riding companions were a great bunch and touchingly considerate of an old man; I had a great time. There were some very fancy bikes, but few problems. One set of carbon rims repeatedly caused punctures - mainly heat blow-outs on the descents - but another pair (Zipp 404) were trouble free. There were a number of sets of electronic gears, Campag and Shimano, no problems with them, and most people were running 11 speed. All frames carbon, all light builds. I took my Condor and all I had to do was wash it. Great bike.
So, if you're looking for a hard ride in the mountains that's a little out of the ordinary, give this one a shot. You won't be disappointed.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Hilly 12 - start sheet
Hilly 12 & Club Hill Climb Championship
Sunday August 31st 2014
No Name Hcap Start 1 Mike Morley 7:30 08:00 2 Phil Todd 5:00 :01 3 Steve Rigby :02 4 Gavin Hughes 8:30 :03 5 Alex Kew 2:00 :04 6 Ann Bath 13:00 08:05 7 Rohan Dubash PTT :06 8 Joe Bertorelli 6:00 :07 9 David Watt 1:00 :08 10 Chrystal Sheldon 9:00 :09 11 Jo Whiting PTT 08:10 12 Stuart Downie 11:00 :11 13 Mark Cawood PTT :12 14 Matthew Whitaker Kingston Whrs :13 15 David Vine 11:00 :14 16 Natalie Gentry PTT 08:15 17 Alice Lethbridge Kingston Whrs :16 18 Simon Trehearn Scr :17 19 Steve Hillier 5:30 :18 20 Andy Avis 9:15 :19
Alex Kew
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Phoenix hit the £100 in SCCU 100
Having returned from York & the Birthday Rides via Derbyshire & Nottingham it seems like I have been away for ages and the Pru - 100(curtailed to 86) a distant memory! So much to my surprise on my return I open a brown paper envelope with a £50 cheque inside from the SCCU.
Don't suppose it's a record but I won 1st H/C and Richard Addis got £30 for 3rd H/C. To add to the glory Jake got £20 for second fastest lady with a very good time of 4:56:17. Richard did 5:06:24 and me 5:08:41
So all in all on that day KPRC members won £100 - Well done!
Don't suppose it's a record but I won 1st H/C and Richard Addis got £30 for 3rd H/C. To add to the glory Jake got £20 for second fastest lady with a very good time of 4:56:17. Richard did 5:06:24 and me 5:08:41
So all in all on that day KPRC members won £100 - Well done!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Member Profile - Lisa Colombo
Lisa has been an active member of the Phoenix for over 30 years and until recently was the club's secretary with many years' service on the committee. She has developed the club website and blog and keeps the results and competitions tables up to date for us.
What’s your bike
ownership history or what do you currently ride?
At last count there’s over a
dozen bikes, a couple of tandems and a trike. Unfortunately all of them require at least basic
maintenance at the moment and since life dumped on me I don’t have the room to
do the maintenance nor even find or access the necessary tools/parts from wherever
they are stored.
None are modern, whizzy or
especially lightweight, but they include the custom built race bike that I
persuaded my parents to buy me for my 21st birthday instead of jewellery – and which still sports the
chainset that my club friends bought me for that same birthday. 25 years on it
holds the enduring memories that a 21st birthday present should.
How did you start
I liked riding my bike as a kid
and did some moderately adventurous stuff – at least by my parents’ standards.
My English master at school rode a bike and he was a member of the SWLDA, so he
introduced me to the world of clubs and organised cycling in my early teens. I
started with the Family Section, but was dismayed to find that although they
were friendly enough they seemed to meet outside of the advertised gatherings
and I felt excluded, so I tried the Cheam & Morden Section and never looked
What made you join
Kingston Phoenix?
In the summer of 1982 I went
into Richmond Cycles with my parents to buy some ‘proper’ cycling kit. They
asked if I had ever considered racing, to which my answer was that I was a “confirmed
tourist”. By spring 1983 I had made friends in, and joined, the Kingston
Phoenix - because of the link to the Cheam & Morden - and when they all
rode the Medium Gear 25 it was natural that I should do it with them. I didn’t
give a second thought to riding a 25 as my first event.
What has been your
most memorable cycling experience?
There have been many, so it is
difficult to pick one. I have especially happy memories of cycle touring all
over Italy; of a tour in Scotland where the group fell out with each other and
went our separate ways for the day – I remember a beautiful sunny day all alone
in the wilds of Scotland and the feeling of freedom of being all on my own and
self sufficient, with everything that I needed with me in my panniers. I have
many strong memories of riding and helping in TTs as well.
And then there’s the night of
the Great Storm in 1987, it was a Thursday and a club night, riding home with a
roaring tailwind, it was obvious there was something different happening that
night. We went to Crockham Hill Youth Hostel in Kent two days later, a trip
which required a lot of cross country travel as we navigated the bikes around
roads blocked by fallen trees.
What has been your
worst cycling experience?
That tends to be things like
being knocked off the bike, something that fortunately
hasn’t happened often in 30+ years of riding. I spent one Christmas on crutches
in the late 80s when a car came out of a side road and hit my leg. Having
things thrown at you from moving cars is not pleasant either, it happened once
riding home from club many years ago, when the same car kept buzzing me, and
also more recently riding from the car park to the start of the Consolation 25,
a few years ago, when someone threw a full 500ml bottle of water at me from a passing
car – you could see the ridges of the bottle in the resultant bruise on my
Pete’s funeral rates as
something of a best/worst experience too, it was amazing having so many people
turn out for the procession, but it was his funeral...
What cycling /
sporting achievement are you most proud of?
Again, so many to choose from.
Finally completing a 12hr on the tandem with Pauline Casey for 220 miles rates
highly – as a pair we were much better than the sum of the parts – even though
beating the then Comp Record of 236 miles proved a lot harder than we imagined. Winning a Tandem 100 against actual
competition is another – I have a trophy for that! I am also pleased that I
managed to beat Pete in a race just once when I did 209 in a 12hr to his 202.
What are your plans
for the rest of this season or next season?
No plans for anything. Life has
taken away all my plans, hopes and dreams at the moment. I just need to get
through this dark time and hope that there is a new life awaiting me after.
When anything bothered Pete he always went off on his own on his bike – I could never have imagined how painful that would become for me now that I can never go for a ride with him again – so even that has been stolen from me as an escape from my current problems.
When anything bothered Pete he always went off on his own on his bike – I could never have imagined how painful that would become for me now that I can never go for a ride with him again – so even that has been stolen from me as an escape from my current problems.
Unfortunately not riding brings
fatness & unfitness which makes group riding hard – it’s going to be a long
and difficult return to life when I finally get the chance again.
Do you have any
particular cycling or sporting heroes?
I loved Miguel Indurain, but was
he on drugs too? – the whole drugs scandal has soured me somewhat on pro sport.
Not so much because they were taking drugs, but because of the whole
hypocritical action of the governing body that claimed to be trying to do
something about it – and now we know they weren’t. I can understand the
mentality of the riders – in the closeted world of pro cycling events if it’s
something everyone else is doing then it doesn’t seem like cheating, or even
doing anything wrong - but I don’t condone it. I also hope that my experience
of amateur TTing is correct, that very few try to cheat by using drugs.
Sum yourself up in
three words.
I am me.
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